2011: 老挝本地山羊及其第一代杂交山羊的生长函数测定. 南方农业学报, 42(1): 82-85.
引用本文: 2011: 老挝本地山羊及其第一代杂交山羊的生长函数测定. 南方农业学报, 42(1): 82-85.
2011: Determination of growth functions of indigenous and crossbred goats in Laos. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 42(1): 82-85.
Citation: 2011: Determination of growth functions of indigenous and crossbred goats in Laos. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 42(1): 82-85.


Determination of growth functions of indigenous and crossbred goats in Laos

  • 摘要: 目的估测老挝本地山羊(Lat)及Bach Thao×Lat第1代杂交羊的生长曲线.方法于2009~2010在老挝Attapeu和Vientience进行两次调查收集数据,以山羊活体重作为年龄的函数.首先对有关性状进行方差分析以确定基因型、性别和年龄对活体重效应的显著性.对每种类型的山羊均采用线性和非线性(Gompertz)生长模型进行分析.结果数据初始方差分析的结果表明,基因型和性别对山羊活体重有显著影响,因此相关数据被分别用于每种基因型的雌、雄山羊生长曲线的绘制.结果表明,1年以下的山羊的两种回归生长模型的决定系数(R2)均较高(>99%)且表现相似;但是,对于1年以上的山羊,Gompertz生长模型的R2较高,其拟合程度高于线性模型(R2较低).以建立的Gompertz生长模型对不同基因型山羊进行分析,结果表明,Lat雌山羊和雄山羊的成熟体重分别为23.93、29.93 kg,Bach Thao×Lat第1代杂交母山羊和公山羊的体重分别为32.66、37.69 kg.结论非线性Gompenz生长模型比较适合于评价不同年龄的老挝本地山羊和Bach Thao×Lat第1代杂交山羊的活体重.


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe present study was aimed at estimating of growth curves of the indigenous goat(Lat)and the Fl crossbred(Bach Thao×Lat)goat in Laos.MethodTwo surveys were carried out during the period 2009-2010 to conect data on live weight (W)as a function of age of the goats.Data on live weight of goats were first subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)to determine the significance of effects of genotype,sex and age on live weight.Both linear and nonlinear(Gompertz)growth models were used for each type of goats.ResultAs initial analyses of variance of the data showed that genotype and sex had highly significant influences on live weight,subsets of data were then used for drawing growth curves separately for female and male goats of each genotype.It was shown that for goats under 1 year of age,determination coefficients(R2)of the two regression models were very high (>9%)and almost similar to each other.However,with data for longer periods of age,Gompertz growth models were better fitted(higher R2)than the linear models(lower R2).The developed Gompertz growth models showed the mature weights of the female and the male to be 23.93 and 29.93 kg for Lat goats,32.66 and 37.69 kg for the F1 crossbred goats,respectively.ConclusionIt is concluded that nonlinear Gompertz growth models are suitable to estimate live weight as a function of age for both the indigenous and the F1 crossbred goats in Laos.


