2011: 采用分生组织培养生产脱甘蔗黄叶病毒苗. 南方农业学报, 42(1): 1-5.
引用本文: 2011: 采用分生组织培养生产脱甘蔗黄叶病毒苗. 南方农业学报, 42(1): 1-5.
2011: Regeneration of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus free sugarcane plantlets through meristem culture. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 42(1): 1-5.
Citation: 2011: Regeneration of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus free sugarcane plantlets through meristem culture. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 42(1): 1-5.


Regeneration of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus free sugarcane plantlets through meristem culture

  • 摘要: 目的尝试使用茎尖分生组织培养技术生产UP 01235和UP 0097 2个甘蔗品种的脱甘蔗黄叶病毒(SCYLV)脱毒组培苗.方法以大田染病和健康甘蔗植株的不同大小茎尖分生组织为外植体,经培养获得组培幼苗.采用1对甘蔗黄叶病毒特异性引物(SCYLV-615F:5'-ATGAATACGC,GCGCTAACCGYYCAC-3'和SCYLV-615R:5'-GT-GTWGGGRAGGGTCGCYTACC-3')进行RT-PCR分析,在6个月内每隔1个月检查1次组培苗是否存在病毒.结果当以1.5 mm茎尖进行培养时,获得的2个甘蔗品种的组培苗在温事种植,在生长期间未发现存在黄叶病毒,说明黄叶病毒已被消除;而以超过1.5 mm的茎尖为外植体时,PCR分析表明结果,所获得的组培苗存在黄叶病毒.结论对以1.0~1.5 mm茎尖培养获得的200多株组培苗进行温室繁殖,在生长期间均未发现黄叶病毒.


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe present study is an attempt to produce Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) free plantlets from commercial sugarcane varieties, UP 0123S and UP 0097, using meristem tip culture technique. MethodPlantlets were produced using meristem (different size) as explant, collected from virus infected and healthy field grown sugarcane plants. RT-PCR assay of regenerated plantlets was carried out to check the presence of virus at monthly interval up to six month stage using specific primer pair (SCYLV-615F:5'-ATGAATACGGGCGCTAACCGYYCAC-3' and SCYLV-615R:5'-GT-GTTGGGGRAGCGTCGCYTACC-3') obtained from Sugarcane yellow leaf virus. ResultThe plantlets of both varieties, regenerated from the meristems measuring up to 1.5 mm, did not showed the presence of virus during any growth stage under glasshouse conditions, this indicated the absolute elimination of SCYLV. However, the meristems measuring more than 1.5 mm size showed presence of the SCYLV in PCR assay.ConclusionMore than 200 plantlets, obtained from 1.0~1.5 mm meristem tip culture were propagated in greenhouse showed absence of SCYLV during all growth stages.


