管珊红, 周军, 许晶晶, 黄荣华, 付英, 王影, 曾小军. 2016: 以创意农业推动江西农业现代化发展研究. 南方农业学报, 47(9): 1615-1621. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1615
引用本文: 管珊红, 周军, 许晶晶, 黄荣华, 付英, 王影, 曾小军. 2016: 以创意农业推动江西农业现代化发展研究. 南方农业学报, 47(9): 1615-1621. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1615
GUAN Shan-hong, ZHOU Jun, XU Jing-jing, HUANG Rong-hua, FU Ying, WANG Ying, ZENG Xiao-jun. 2016: Promoting development of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi with idea of creative agriculture. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 47(9): 1615-1621. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1615
Citation: GUAN Shan-hong, ZHOU Jun, XU Jing-jing, HUANG Rong-hua, FU Ying, WANG Ying, ZENG Xiao-jun. 2016: Promoting development of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi with idea of creative agriculture. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 47(9): 1615-1621. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1615


Promoting development of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi with idea of creative agriculture

  • 摘要: 【目的】分析江西发展创意农业的优势和劣势,为实现江西从传统农业大省向现代农业强省转变、推动其农业现代化发展提供参考。【方法】通过实地调查和文献资料研究,分析婺源“油菜花”和“凤凰沟”现代生态农业示范园两个成功模式的经验,理清江西发展创意农业的优势和劣势,有针对性地提出江西发展创意农业的对策建议。【结果】江西在资源、区位、政策及特色农产品等方面具备发展创意农业的优势;其劣势在于缺乏整体规划、同质化现象严重,观念意识有待提高,科技创新能力较低,缺乏专业的创意人才,部分创意农业资源未得到充分开发。【建议】加大对创意农业的整体规划和政策支持,转变观念、增强创意农业意识,加强创意农业的市场营销,以科技创新驱动农业创意,加大创意农业人才培育力度及资金支持力度,以推动江西农业现代化的发展。


    Abstract: ObjectiveThrough analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of developing creative agriculture in Jiangxi province, this paper aimed at providing references for realizing the transformation of Jiangxi from big traditional a-gricultural province to strong modern agricultural province and promoting the development of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi. MethodThrough field investigation and literature research, the author analyzed two successful modern eco-agri-culture demonstration parks, summarized advantages and disadvantages of developing creative agriculture in Jiangxi, and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the development of creative agriculture in a targeted manner. Re-sultJiangxi enjoyed advantages of developing creative agriculture in resources, location, policies and characteristic agri-cultural products. Yet there were following problems: insufficient overall planning, serious homogenization phenomenon, weak consciousness, relatively low capacity of scientific and technological innovation, lack of professional creative talents and undeveloped creative agriculture resources in good measure. SuggestionFollowing measures are suggested to promote modernization of agriculture in Jiangxi: increasing overall planning and policy supports for creative agriculture,changing ideas to enhance the awareness of creative agriculture, strengthening marketing of creative agriculture; driving creative a-griculture by scientific and technological innovation, strengthening agricultural creative talent cultivation, increasing fund-ing support for creative agriculture.


