邢颖, 江泽普, 谭裕模, 廖青, 蒙炎成, 杨绍锷, 陈桂芬, 梁潘霞, 黄太庆, 潘丽萍. 2016: 施用硅钙磷肥对酸化蔗地甘蔗生长及土壤肥力的影响. 南方农业学报, 47(9): 1495-1499. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1495
引用本文: 邢颖, 江泽普, 谭裕模, 廖青, 蒙炎成, 杨绍锷, 陈桂芬, 梁潘霞, 黄太庆, 潘丽萍. 2016: 施用硅钙磷肥对酸化蔗地甘蔗生长及土壤肥力的影响. 南方农业学报, 47(9): 1495-1499. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1495
XING Ying, JIANG Ze-pu, TAN Yu-mo, LIAO Qing, MENG Yan-cheng, YANG Shao-e, CHEN Gui-fen, LIANG Pan-xia, HUANG Tai-qing, PAN Li-ping. 2016: Effects of silicon-calcium-phosphorus fertilizer on sugarcane growth and soil fertility of acidified filed. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 47(9): 1495-1499. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1495
Citation: XING Ying, JIANG Ze-pu, TAN Yu-mo, LIAO Qing, MENG Yan-cheng, YANG Shao-e, CHEN Gui-fen, LIANG Pan-xia, HUANG Tai-qing, PAN Li-ping. 2016: Effects of silicon-calcium-phosphorus fertilizer on sugarcane growth and soil fertility of acidified filed. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 47(9): 1495-1499. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1495


Effects of silicon-calcium-phosphorus fertilizer on sugarcane growth and soil fertility of acidified filed

  • 摘要: 【目的】探讨不同配比硅钙磷肥和有机肥对甘蔗生长及土壤养分等的影响,为改善蔗区土壤酸化状况及提高甘蔗产量和品质提供参考。【方法】选取连作甘蔗的酸化蔗地,设6个处理,即处理A(对照,只施用氮、钾肥)及在处理A基础上配施不同组合硅钙磷肥和有机肥的5个处理,处理B(SiO2450 kg/ha、CaO 300 kg/ha、P2O5225 kg/ha)、处理C(SiO2450 kg/ha、CaO 300 kg/ha、P2O5300 kg/ha)、处理D(SiO2450 kg/ha、CaO 450 kg/ha、P2O5225 kg/ha)、处理E(SiO2450 kg/ha、CaO 450 kg/ha、P2O5300 kg/ha)、处理F(处理B+有机肥7500 kg/ha),测定甘蔗出苗率等农艺性状,收获后测定产量及锤度,取样测定不同部位氮、磷、钾含量,同时取土壤样品测定土壤养分含量。【结果】与对照相比,不同处理均对甘蔗分蘖、株高、有效茎及产量有显著影响(P<0.05,下同),其中处理E和处理F增产率分别为23.06%和22.53%。在硅钙磷肥基础上增施有机肥后对甘蔗蔗茎中氮、钾养分积累效果影响显著,但对磷养分积累效果影响不显著(P>0.05,下同)。当季土壤pH相比对照提高了0.11~0.38,但对土壤养分影响不显著。【结论】在施用氮、钾肥的基础上配施硅钙肥及有机肥能增加土壤中盐基离子数量,减少土壤中交换性酸和交换性铝含量,有效减缓土壤酸化进程。施用SiO2450 kg/ha、CaO 300 kg/ha和P2O5225 kg/ha并配施有机肥7500 kg/ha,能促进蔗茎氮、钾养分的积累,同时在甘蔗增产及减缓土壤酸化方面也能获得理想效果。


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe present study was conducted to discuss effects of silicon-calcium-phosphorus fertilizer with different proportions and organic fertilizer on sugarcane growth and soil nutrient, in order to provide scientific evidences for increasing yield and quality of sugarcane. MethodAcidified field for continuous sugarcane growth was selected in the research. Six treatments were set, such as treatment A(CK, applying nitrogen and potassium fertilizers). On the basis of treatment A, different proportions of silicon-calcium-phosphorus fertilizer and organic fertilizer were applied: treatment B (SiO2 450 kg/ha, CaO 300 kg/ha, P2O5 225 kg/ha), treatment C(SiO2 450 kg/ha, CaO 300 kg/ha, P2O5 300 kg/ha), treatment D(SiO2 450 kg/ha, CaO 450 kg/ha, P2O5 225 kg/ha), treatment E(SiO2 450 kg/ha, CaO 450 kg/ha, P2O5 300 kg/ha), treatment F(treatment B+organic fertilizer 7500 kg/ha). Agronomic traits like emergence rate, yield, brix, nitrogen phos-phorus and potassium content in different parts of sugarcane, soil nutrient content in sample soil were measured. ResultCompared with CK,different treatments posed significant influence on sugarcane tiller, height, millable stalks and yield (P<0.05, the same below). Treatment E and F increased yield by 23.06% and 22.53% respectively. Application of organic fertilizer on basis of silicon-calcium-phosphorus fertilizer posed considerable effects on nitrogen and potassium accumulation in steam, yet it had no obvious influence on phosphorus nutrient accumulation(P>0.05, the same below). At the same time, soil pH improved 0.11-0.38 compared with CK, but no significant effect on soil nutrients were shown. ConclusionApplication of silicon-calcium-phosphorus and organic fertilizer on basis of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can increase number of base cations in soil, reduce contents of exchangeable acidity and exchangeable aluminum, effectively alle-viate soil acidification procedure. Application of SiO2 450 kg/ha,CaO 300 kg/ha, P2O5 225 kg/ha and organic fertilizer 7500 kg/ha promotes nitrogen and potassium nutrient accumulation in steam, increase sugarcane yield and alleviate soil acidification.


