何志鹏, 闫国跃, 谢阳姣, 李耀燕. 2016: 茉莉酸甲酯和生长素对苦玄参苷积累的影响. 南方农业学报, 47(9): 1470-1474. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1470
引用本文: 何志鹏, 闫国跃, 谢阳姣, 李耀燕. 2016: 茉莉酸甲酯和生长素对苦玄参苷积累的影响. 南方农业学报, 47(9): 1470-1474. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1470
HE Zhi-peng, YAN Guo-yue, XIE Yang-jiao, LI Yao-yan. 2016: Effects of methyl jasmonate and indole-3-acetic acid on accumulation of picfeltarraenin in Picria felterrae Lour. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 47(9): 1470-1474. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1470
Citation: HE Zhi-peng, YAN Guo-yue, XIE Yang-jiao, LI Yao-yan. 2016: Effects of methyl jasmonate and indole-3-acetic acid on accumulation of picfeltarraenin in Picria felterrae Lour. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 47(9): 1470-1474. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2016.09.1470


Effects of methyl jasmonate and indole-3-acetic acid on accumulation of picfeltarraenin in Picria felterrae Lour

  • 摘要: 【目的】研究植物生长调节物质对人工种植苦玄参中苦玄参苷积累的影响,为苦玄参人工种植化学调控措施的制定提供参考。【方法】采用不同浓度的茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)和生长素(IAA)对苦玄参植株进行叶面喷施和浸根处理,测定其苦玄参苷IA、IB及苦玄参总苷积累量。【结果】MeJA叶面喷施和浸根处理均以20 mg/L对苦玄参苷IA的调控效果最佳,此时苦玄参苷IA积累量最高,分别达0.63%和0.62%,均显著高于清水对照(CK)(P<0.05,下同)。2 mg/L MeJA叶面喷施对苦玄参苷IB的促进作用最强,随MeJA浓度增加其促进作用减弱;浸根处理时,随MeJA浓度增加其促进作用逐渐加强,至20 mg/L时苦玄参苷IB积累量达峰值0.34%。两种处理方式下,苦玄参总苷积累量均在MeJA浓度为20 mg/L时最高,叶面喷施整体优于浸根处理。 IAA叶面喷施时,随其浓度增加,苦玄参苷IA积累量先降低后升高,浓度为100 mg/L时苦玄参苷IA积累量最高,达0.68%,显著高于CK和其他浓度处理;浸根处理时,苦玄参苷IA积累量的变化趋势与叶面喷施相反,浓度为10 mg/L时促进作用最强,随IAA浓度增加苦玄参苷IA积累量逐渐降低。两种处理方式均以IAA 50 mg/L对苦玄参苷IB的促进作用最强。 IAA对苦玄参总苷积累量的影响与其对苦玄参苷IA的影响趋势相似,叶面喷施时100 mg/L的促进作用最强,浸根处理则以50 mg/L时苦玄参总苷积累量最高。两种处理方式相比,IAA浸根处理优于叶面喷施。【结论】MeJA和IAA均可通过叶面喷施和浸根处理促进苦玄参苷的积累,其中,MeJA宜选择20 mg/L进行叶面喷施, IAA宜选择50 mg/L进行浸根处理。


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe present study was conducted to investigate the impact of methyl jasmonate(MeJA) and in-dole-3-acetic acid(IAA) on accumulation of picfeltrarraenins in planted Picria felterrae Lour. individuals, in order to provide a reference for development of chemical regulation measures for planted individuals of the species. MethodDiffer-ent concentrations of MeJA and IAA solutions were sprayed onto leaf surface and soaked roots of P. felterrae Lour. individu-als, and accumulated amount of picfeltrarraenin IA and IB and total picfeltrarraenins were measured. ResultWhen the concentration of MeJA solution was 20 mg/L, the strongest regulative effect on picfeltrarraenin IA was achieved for both fo-liage spray and root soaking, the accumulative amount of picfeltrarraenin IA reaching the maximum levels, 0.63% and 0.62%respectively, significantly higher than that induced by clean water control(CK)(P<0.05, the same below). MeJA at 2 mg/L showed the strongest stimulative effect on accumulation of picfeltrarraenin IB, and this effect became weakened as the con-centration increased; as regards root soaking, the promoting effect strengthened with increase in MeJA concentration, and accumulative amount of picfeltrarraenin IB reached the highest level 0.34% when concentration was 20 mg/L. The accumula-tive amount of total picfeltrarraenins reached the highest level when the MeJA concentration was 20 mg/L for both treat-ments, the overall effect of foliage spray was better than that of root soaking. For foliage spray with IAA solution, accumula-tive amount of picfeltrarraenin IA decreased firstly and then increased as concentration of IAA solution increased, and reached the maximum level 0.68% at 100 mg/L which was significantly higher than that induced by other concentrations and CK. For root soaking with IAA solution, accumulation of picfeltrarraenin IA showed a reverse trend relative to that for foliage spray, and stimulative effect of IAA reached the maximum level at 10 mg/L of IAA, accumulation of picfeltrarraenin IA dropped as IAA concentration increased. Both foliage spray and root soaking showed the strongest stimulative effect on accu-mulation of picfeltrarraenin IB at 50 mg/L of IAA. The effect of IAA on total picfeltrarraenins accumulation was similar to its effect on picfeltrarraenin IA, the stimulative effect reaching the highest level(i.e. the content of total picfeltrarraenins accu-mulation was at its peak) at 100 mg/L for foliage spray and at 50 mg/L for root soaking. Root soaking with IAA solution was better than foliage spray. ConclusionBoth MeJA and IAA can stimulate accumulation of picfeltrarraenins via foliage spray or root soaking. The best stimulative effect may be achieved when 20 mg/L of MeJA is used through foliage spray or 50 mg/L of IAA via root soaking.


