陈俊谕, 韩冬银, 张方平, 牛黎明, 陈泰运, 符悦冠. 2015: 哥德恩蚜小蜂对6种不同植物及其挥发物的选择行为. 南方农业学报, (2): 250-254. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.250
引用本文: 陈俊谕, 韩冬银, 张方平, 牛黎明, 陈泰运, 符悦冠. 2015: 哥德恩蚜小蜂对6种不同植物及其挥发物的选择行为. 南方农业学报, (2): 250-254. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.250
CHEN Jun-yu, HAN Dong-yin, ZHANG Fang-ping, NIU Li-ming, CHEN Tai-yun, FU Yue-guan. 2015: Selective behavior of Encarsia guadeloupae Viggiani to six kinds of plants and volatiles. Journal of Southern Agriculture, (2): 250-254. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.250
Citation: CHEN Jun-yu, HAN Dong-yin, ZHANG Fang-ping, NIU Li-ming, CHEN Tai-yun, FU Yue-guan. 2015: Selective behavior of Encarsia guadeloupae Viggiani to six kinds of plants and volatiles. Journal of Southern Agriculture, (2): 250-254. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.250


Selective behavior of Encarsia guadeloupae Viggiani to six kinds of plants and volatiles

  • 摘要: 【目的】揭示哥德恩蚜小蜂(EncarsiaguadeloupaeViggiani)对螺旋粉虱(Alerodicusdispersus Russell)不同寄主植物及其挥发物的选择行为,为人工扩繁哥德恩蚜小蜂的最适寄主植物选择提供参考。【方法】采用寄生选择试验和Y型嗅觉仪观测哥德恩蚜小蜂对6种螺旋粉虱寄主植物(番石榴、一品红、木薯、番木瓜、番茄、辣椒)的趋性差异。【结果】哥德恩蚜小蜂对6种不同供试植物上螺旋粉虱的寄生率从高到低依次为:番石榴>一品红>辣椒>番木瓜>木薯>番茄;Y型嗅觉仪测定结果表明,哥德恩蚜小蜂对一品红的趋性最强,其次为番石榴,对木薯、番茄趋性较弱。【结论】一品红和番石榴均是哥德恩蚜小蜂选择率较高的植物,理论上可将其作为寄主植物繁殖饲养哥德恩蚜小蜂。


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe selective behavior of Encarsia guadeloupae Viggiani on different host plants of Alerodicus dispersus Russell was revealed to provide theoretical references for finding the best host plant for the parasitoid breeding.MethodThe selective differences of E. guadeloupae to A. dispersus on six kinds of host plants (guava, poinsettia, cas-sava, papaya, tomato, capsicum) were determined using randomly put host plants (free selection) and “Y” type olfac-tometer tests (directional selection). ResultThe parasitic ratios of E. guadeloupae on A. dispersus from different kinds of host plant were listed from high to low as follows: guava> poinsettia> capsicum> papaya> cassava> tomato. The “Y” type olfactometer tests of volatiles from different host plants indicated that E. guadeloupae had the highest taxis to poinsettia and second highest taxis to guava, and tomato and cassava had weak attractiveness to E. guadeloupae. ConclusionBoth poin-settia and guava have higher attractiveness to E. guadeloupae than other plants, which can be considered as the suitable host plants for breeding E. guadeloupae.


