赵洪涛, 李初英, 黄其椿, 赵艳红, 叶陧, 陈继明, 唐兴富. 2015: 不同栽培密度和施肥量对巴马火麻生长发育及麻籽产量的影响. 南方农业学报, (2): 232-235. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.232
引用本文: 赵洪涛, 李初英, 黄其椿, 赵艳红, 叶陧, 陈继明, 唐兴富. 2015: 不同栽培密度和施肥量对巴马火麻生长发育及麻籽产量的影响. 南方农业学报, (2): 232-235. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.232
ZHAO Hong-tao, LI Chu-ying, HUANG Qi-chun, ZHAO Yan-hong, YE Nie, CHEN Ji-ming, TANG Xing-fu. 2015: Growth and seed yield of Bama hemp under different densities and fertilization rates. Journal of Southern Agriculture, (2): 232-235. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.232
Citation: ZHAO Hong-tao, LI Chu-ying, HUANG Qi-chun, ZHAO Yan-hong, YE Nie, CHEN Ji-ming, TANG Xing-fu. 2015: Growth and seed yield of Bama hemp under different densities and fertilization rates. Journal of Southern Agriculture, (2): 232-235. DOI: 10.3969/jissn.2095-1191.2015.2.232


Growth and seed yield of Bama hemp under different densities and fertilization rates

  • 摘要: 【目的】探索出最适宜巴马火麻的栽培密度及施肥量,为其高产栽培提供参考。【方法】采用2因素随机区组设计,分析不同栽培密度(A1:6.0万株/ha、A2:9.0万株/ha、A3:12.0万株/ha)和复合肥施肥量(B1:450 kg/ha、B2:750 kg/ha、B3:1050 kg/ha)处理组合对巴马火麻出苗期、雄株见蕾期、雄株开花期、雌株结果期、株高、茎粗、有效分枝数、千粒重、雌雄株比例、火麻籽产量的影响。【结果】不同处理对巴马火麻生长无明显影响,除雄株茎粗外,其他各农艺性状处理间差异均不显著(P>0.05),但对火麻籽产量影响存在较大差异,各处理产量排名依次为:A2B3>A3B1>A2B2>A3B2>A3B3>A1B1>A1B2>A2B1>A1B3,其中A2B3产量为1351.88 kg/ha,显著高于A1B2、A2B1和A1B3(P<0.05)。【结论】栽培密度与施肥量互作可以影响巴马火麻籽产量,适当加大栽培密度和增施肥料是获得高产的重要措施,以栽培密度9.0万株/ha、复合肥(17-17-17)施肥量1050 kg/ha最佳。


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe optimal density and fertilization rate for Bama hemp was identified to provide theoretical references for the cultivation of Bama hemp . MethodThe two- factor randomized block design method was used for analyzing the influence of different planting densities (A1:60000 plants/ha, A2:90000 plants/ha, A3:120000 plants/a) and fertilizer rates (B1:450 kg/ha, B2:750 kg/ha, B3:1050 kg/ha) on sowing stage, male plant squaring stage, male plant flower stage , female plant fruiting stage , plant height , stem diameter , effective branch number , 1000-grain weight, the proportion of male and female and seed yield of Bama hemp. ResultThe growth of Bama hemp was obvi-ously different under different treatments. Other agronomic traits were not significantly varied except the stem diameter of male plant. Great difference existed in the seed yield of hemp under different treatments. Yield ranking was A2B3>A3B1>A2B2>A3B2>A3B3>A1B1>A1B2>A2B1>A1B3. The yield of A2B3 was 1351.88 kg/ha, which was markedly higher than that of A1B2,A2B1 and A1B3(P<0.05). ConclusionThe yield of Bama hemp can be affected by diffident planting densities and fertilizer rates. Increasing planting density and fertilizer rate is key for high yield. The planting density of 90000 plants/ha and the fertilizer rate of 1050 kg/ha (17-17-17) is the best for high yield of hemp.


