王丹丹, 李欣, 宋洁, 王旭. 2024: 基于环境DNA的夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类多样性分析. 南方农业学报, 55(6): 1549-1560. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.06.001
引用本文: 王丹丹, 李欣, 宋洁, 王旭. 2024: 基于环境DNA的夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类多样性分析. 南方农业学报, 55(6): 1549-1560. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.06.001
WANG Dan-dan, LI Xin, SONG Jie, WANG Xu. 2024: Fish diversity in Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer based on environmental DNA. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 55(6): 1549-1560. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.06.001
Citation: WANG Dan-dan, LI Xin, SONG Jie, WANG Xu. 2024: Fish diversity in Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer based on environmental DNA. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 55(6): 1549-1560. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.06.001


Fish diversity in Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer based on environmental DNA

  • 摘要: 【目的】 基于环境DNA(eDNA)进行夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类多样性分析,以验证eDNA技术应用于鱼类物种多样性监测的可行性,为鱼类群落动态监测、水域生态健康评估及鱼类物种多样性保护提供技术支持,同时为鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类多样性保护提供基础资料。【方法】 于2022年5—8月在鸭绿江流域(丹东段)设5个采样站点,进行4次环境样本采集,经e DNA抽提、PCR扩增、高通量测序和数据库对比注释后,通过R语言(4.1.2)、Tableau2019.4和PRIMER 6.0等进行夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类多样性分析。【结果】 在夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)5个采样站点共检测到67种鱼类,隶属于14目30科65属,其中,松江鲈和细鳞鲑已列入《国家重点保护水生野生动物名录》,鲤、鲫、鳙、鲢、草鱼、鮻、武昌鱼、小黄鱼、光泽黄颡鱼、棘头梅童鱼和乌鳢等11种被列入《国家重点保护经济水生动植物资源名录》,香鱼和东北七鳃鳗被列入《国家濒危动物名录》和《辽宁省重点保护野生动物名录》,石川哲罗鲑、鸭绿江茴鱼和花羔红点鲑被列入《中国东北地区珍稀濒危动物志》。鲤、鲫、鲢、草鱼、辽宁棒花鱼、马口鱼、东北雅罗鱼、泥鳅、香鱼、公鱼、大银鱼和杂色杜父鱼等在鸭绿江流域(丹东段)各采样站点组成相似,且均为相对丰度较高的优势物种,是夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)的优势鱼类群体。5个采样站点中,以东港站点的Chao1指数、Pielou指数、Shannon指数和Simpson指数最高,丹东站点的Chao1指数、Shannon指数和Simpson指数最低。【结论】 基于e DNA技术检测夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类物种组成及多样性具有可行性和有效性。夏季鸭绿江流域(丹东段)鱼类的生态结构复杂且有波动,尤其是野生珍稀鱼类种质资源保护已迫在眉睫,亟待开展鸭绿江珍稀鱼类资源恢复工作,包括实施禁渔制度,重点研究特有濒危鱼类的人工繁殖技术,以及加强水体生态系统健康监测等。


    Abstract: 【Objective】 To analyze the fish diversity in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer based on environmental DNA(eDNA), in order to verify the feasibility of eDNA technology for monitoring fish species diversity.This study could provide technical support for dynamic monitoring of fish communities, assessment of aquatic ecological health, and conservation of fish species diversity. Additionally, it also offered fundamental information for the conservation of fish diversity in Dandong section of Yalu River basin. 【Method】 From May to August in 2022, five sampling sites were set up in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin to collect environmental samples for four times. After eDNA extraction, PCR amplification, high-throughput sequencing, and database comparison and annotation, the fish diversity in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer was analyzed using R language(4.1.2), Tableau 2019.4, PRIMER 6.0. 【Result】 A total of 67 fish species belonging to 14 orders, 30 families and 65 genera were detected at five sampling sites in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer. Among them, Trachidermus fasciatus and Brachymystax lenok were listed in the List of National Key Protected Aquatic Wildlife. Eleven species, including Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Aristichthys nobilis, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Liza haematocheila, Megalobrama amblycephala, Pseudosciaena polyactis, Pelteobagrus nitidus, Collichthys lucidus and Ophiocephalus argus were listed in the List of National Key Protected Economic Aquatic Animals and Plants Resources. Plecoglossus altivelis and Lampetra morii were listed in the National Endangered Animals List and the List of Key Protected Wildlife in Liaoning Province. Hucho ishikawai, Thymallus yaluensis and Salvelinus malma were listed in the Rare and Endangered Animals in Northeast China. C. carpio, C. auratus, H. molitrix, C. idellus, Abbottina liaoningensis, Opsariichthys bidens, Leuciscus waleckii, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Plecoglossus altivelis, Hypomesus olidus, Protosalanx hyalocranius and Cottus poecilopus had similar compositions across all sampling sites in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin, and they were dominant species with relatively high abundance, making them the dominant fish groups in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer. Among the five sampling sites, Donggang site had the highest Chao1 index, Pielou index, Shannon index and Simpson index, while Dandong site had the lowest Chao1 index, Shannon index and Simpson index. 【Conclusion】 The feasibility and effectiveness of using eDNA technology to detect fish species composition and diversity in the Dandong section of Yalu River basin in summer have been demonstrated. The ecological structure of fish in the Dandong section of Yalu River Basin in summer is complex and fluctuating, with the protection of wild and rare fish germplasm resources becoming an urgent issue. Immediate actions are required to restore the rare fish resources of Yalu River, including implementing fishing bans, focusing research on artificial propagation techniques for endangered endemic fish species, and strengthening the monitoring of aquatic ecosystem health.


