杨胜宏, 杨永鲜, 龙小霞, 李辉, 张福平, 周迪, 王忠. 2024: 3种贵州地方鸡盲肠菌群结构特征的比较. 南方农业学报, 55(2): 323-333. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.02.003
引用本文: 杨胜宏, 杨永鲜, 龙小霞, 李辉, 张福平, 周迪, 王忠. 2024: 3种贵州地方鸡盲肠菌群结构特征的比较. 南方农业学报, 55(2): 323-333. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.02.003
YANG Sheng-hong, YANG Yong-xian, LONG Xiao-xia, LI Hui, ZHANG Fu-ping, ZHOU Di, WANG Zhong. 2024: Characteristics of cecal microbiota in three Guizhou chicken breeds. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 55(2): 323-333. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.02.003
Citation: YANG Sheng-hong, YANG Yong-xian, LONG Xiao-xia, LI Hui, ZHANG Fu-ping, ZHOU Di, WANG Zhong. 2024: Characteristics of cecal microbiota in three Guizhou chicken breeds. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 55(2): 323-333. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.02.003


Characteristics of cecal microbiota in three Guizhou chicken breeds

  • 摘要: 【目的】基于微生物16S rRNA测序技术探究3种贵州地方鸡的盲肠菌群结构特征,鉴别不同品种鸡盲肠富集的特定菌群,从肠道菌群角度解析地方鸡遗传资源特性,进而加深对贵州地方鸡肠道菌群特征的认识。【方法】选取3种贵州地方鸡(乌蒙乌骨鸡11羽、黔东南小香鸡12羽及瑶山鸡12羽),采集盲肠内容物样品检测16SrRNA序列V3~V4可变区,通过QIIME计算鸡盲肠菌群Alpha多样性,以主坐标分析(PCoA)评估鸡盲肠菌群Beta多样性;采用SparCC算法构建盲肠菌群互作网络,使用马修斯相关系数(MCC)算法进行枢纽菌群识别,并以LEfse分析鉴别组间差异的菌群类别及功能通路。【结果】从35羽贵州地方鸡盲肠内容物共测序获得2625245条Clean reads,按序列相似度97%的阈值进行聚类分析共获得727个OTUs。在门分类水平上,3种贵州地方鸡盲肠菌群的优势菌包括拟杆菌门、厚壁菌门、变形菌门、互养菌门和螺旋菌门;在属分类水平上,相对丰度排名前5的属为拟杆菌属、理研菌科_RC9_菌群、考拉杆菌属、普拉梭菌属和脱硫弧菌属。从乌蒙乌骨鸡、黔东南小香鸡和瑶山鸡盲肠菌群中分别获得160、144和149个OTUs用于菌群互作网络研究,对盲肠菌群互作网络结构分析发现网络稳定性排序为瑶山鸡(稳定性指数44.22%)>黔东南小香鸡(稳定性指数41.76%)>是乌蒙乌骨鸡(稳定性指数37.56%),而网络复杂性排序为黔东南小香鸡>乌蒙乌骨鸡>瑶山鸡。颤螺菌属是黔东南小香鸡和瑶山鸡盲肠菌群互作网络中重要性评分最高的枢纽菌群,乳酸杆菌属是黔东南小香鸡盲肠的枢纽菌群,理研菌科_RC9_菌群是乌蒙乌骨鸡盲肠的枢纽菌群。LEfSe分析结果表明,乌蒙乌骨鸡盲肠富集到15个特征OTUs,其功能通路涉及氨基酸生物合成、2-氧羧酸代谢、精氨酸生物合成等;黔东南小香鸡盲肠富集到2个特征OTUs,其功能通路涉及光合作用和链霉素生物合成;瑶山鸡盲肠富集到6个特征OTUs,仅涉及脂多糖生物合成功能通路。【结论】品种是影响贵州地方鸡盲肠菌群组成和结构的重要因素,一些特定微生物存在于不同品种鸡盲肠中。其中,理研菌科_RC9_菌群、瘤胃球菌属、紫单胞菌属等在乌蒙乌骨鸡盲肠中富集;巨单胞菌属、理研菌科_RC9_菌群、考拉杆菌属等在瑶山鸡盲肠中富集;脱硫弧菌属和普拉梭菌属在黔东南小香鸡盲肠中富集。


    Abstract: 【Objective】This study aimed to investigate the cecal microbiota community structure of three local chicken breeds in Guizhou based on microbial 16S rRNA sequencing, identifying specific microbiota enriched in the ceca of different chicken breeds, studying the characteristics of local chicken genetic resources from the perspective of intestinal microbota,thereby deepening the understanding of the characteristics of cecal microbiota in Guizhou local chickens.【Method】Three Guizhou chickens breeds(11 Wumeng black-bone chickens, 12 Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chickens, and 12 Yaoshan chickens) were selected, and their cecal content samples were collected for 16S rRNA sequencing of the V3-V4 variable region. The QIIME software was used to calculate the alpha diversity of cecal microbiota, and principal coordinate analysis(PCoA) was conducted to evaluate cecal microbiota beta diversity. SparCC algorithm was employed to construct cecal microbiota interaction networks, and the Matthew's correlation coefficient(MCC) algorithm was used for hub microbial identification. Additionally, LEfSe analysis was utilized to identify differentially microbial taxa and functional pathways among three groups. 【Result】A total of 2625245 Clean reads were obtained from cecal content sequencing of 35 Guizhou local chickens, resulting in 727 operational taxonomic units(OTUs) clustered at a threshold of 97% sequence similarity. At the phylum level, dominant taxa in the cecal microbiota of three Guizhou local chicken breeds included Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Synergistetes and Spirochaetes. The top five genera in terms of relative abundance were Bacteroides, Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group, Phascolarctobacterium, Faecalibacterium and Desulfovibrio. Each of the Wumeng black-bone chicken, Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken and Yaoshan chicken yielded 160, 144, and 149 OTUs for interaction network analysis, respectively. The stability index of cecal microbial interaction networks were ranked as Yaoshan chicken(44.22%)>Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken(41.76%)>Wumeng black-bone chicken(37.56%), while the complexity of networks were ranked as Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken>Wumeng blackbone chicken>Yaoshan chicken. Oscillospira was the highest scoring hub microbiota in the cecal microbial interaction networks of Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken and Yaoshan chicken, while Lactobacillus was a hub microbiota in Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken, and Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group was hub microbiota in Wumeng black-bone chicken. LEfSe analysis revealed that Wumeng black-bone chicken had 15 characteristic OTUs, and their predicted functional pathways involved in amino acid biosynthesis, 2-oxocarboxylic acid metabolism, arginine biosynthesis; Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken enriched 2 characteristic OTUs, their predicted functional pathways involved in photosynthesis and streptomycin biosynthesis; Yaoshan chicken had 6 characteristic OTUs associated with lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis functional pathway. 【Conclusion】Breed is an important factor influencing the composition and structure of cecal microbiota of Guizhou chicken breeds. Specific microbes are enriched in the ceca of different chicken breeds. For instance, Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group, Ruminiclostridium and Odoribacter are enriched in the ceca of Wumeng black-bone chicken; Megamonas, Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group, Phascolarctobacterium are enriched in Yaoshan chicken; and Desulfovibrio and Faecalibacterium are enriched in Qiandongnan Xiaoxiang chicken.


