
Response of different maize germplasms to drought stress and heat stress at anthesis period

  • 摘要: 【目的】探讨不同玉米种质农艺性状和光合生理性状对干旱和高温胁迫的响应,以期为玉米耐旱和耐热种质的筛选及热带种质的利用提供理论依据。【方法】以热带种质、温带种质和温热种质各25份为试验材料,分别在开花散粉期前后进行干旱处理和高温处理,以当地玉米种植正常管理为对照,测定不同处理的株高、穗位高、雄穗分枝数、散粉吐丝间隔期、穗长、穗行数、行粒数、百粒重、单株产量和叶绿素含量,计算PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)和PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm),对不同种质的耐旱性和耐热性进行综合评价。【结果】不同玉米种质间12个性状的联合方差分析结果显示,种质间及环境(胁迫)间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01,下同)。不同玉米种质间开花散粉期对干旱胁迫响应的变化趋势一致,单株产量和散粉吐丝间隔期受干旱影响较大,穗行数受干旱影响较小。不同玉米种质间开花散粉期对高温胁迫响应的变化趋势一致,单株产量受高温影响较大,穗位高受高温影响较小。叶绿素含量、Fv/FoFv/Fm的耐旱系数在热带种质中表现最好,雄穗分枝数耐旱系数在温热种质中表现最好,株高和穗位高的耐旱系数在温带种质中表现最好。穗长、单株产量、叶绿素含量、Fv/FoFv/Fm等性状耐热系数在热带种质中表现最好。3类种质中耐旱以上自交系数量表现为热带种质(11个) >温热种质(9个) >温带种质(7个),中耐热以上自交系数量表现为热带种质(10个) >温热种质(3个) >温带种质(2个)。不同种质耐旱性和耐热性综合评价结果与其聚类分析结果高度一致,且不同种质耐旱性和耐热性加权隶属值均具有极显著相关性。聚类分析结果表明强耐旱自交系单株产量、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm、株高、穗长等性状表现较好,强耐热自交系单株产量、穗长、行粒数、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm等性状表现较好。加权隶属值结果表明株高、单株产量、叶绿素含量和Fv/Fm与耐旱性相关性较高,行粒数、单株产量、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm与耐热性相关性较高。【结论】不同种质对干旱胁迫和高温胁迫响应趋势相同但响应程度存在差异,热带种质更易筛选出耐旱性或耐热性表现较好的自交系。单株产量、叶绿素含量和Fv/Fm对耐旱性和耐热性鉴定均具有较好效果。


    Abstract: 【Objective】The responses of agronomic and photosynthetic physiological traits of different maize germplasms to drought stres and heat stress were studied in order to provide theoretical basis for the screening of drought and heat tolerant maize germplasm and the utilization of tropical germplasm.【Method】 A total of 25 tropical germplasms, 25 temperate germplasms and 25 mix germplasms were used as the experimental materials. Drought treatment and high temperature treatment were carried out before and after the flowering and powder stage respectively,the normal management of local maize planting was as control. The plant height, ear height, tassel branch numbers, anthesis-silking interval, ear length, ear rows, kernels per row, 100-kernel weight, yield per plant, chlorophyll content were measured under three treatments,and calculated the PSⅡ potential activity(Fv/Fo)and the PSⅡ maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm). Comprehensive evaluation of drought tolerance and heat tolerance of different germplasms was conducted.【Result】 The results of the joint analysis of variance for 12 traits among different maize germplasm showed extremely significant differences (P<0.01,the same below)between germplasm and environment(stress). The results showed that the change trend of drought stress response among three types germplasms at anthesis stage were consistent. The yield per plant and anthesissilking interval were affected by drought stress the most, and the ear rows was the least affected by drought stress. The change trend of heat stress response among three types germplasms at anthesis stage were consistent. The yield per plant was the most affected by heat stress, and the ear height was the least affected by heat stress. The drought tolerance coefficients of chlorophyll content,Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm performed the best in tropical germplasms,the drought tolerance coefficients of tassel branch numbers performed the best in mix germplasms,and the drought tolerance coefficients of plant height and ear height performed the best in temperate germplasms. Heat tolerance coefficients like ear length,yield per plant,chlorophyll content,Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm performed the best in tropical germplasms. Comparative analysis of the inbred lines which with medium or high drought tolerance among three types of germplasms showed tropical germplasms (11) >mix germplasms (9) >temperate germplasms (7). Comparative analysis of the inbred lines which with medium or high heat tolerance among three types of germplasm showed tropical germplasms(10) >mix germplasms(3) >temperate germplasms(2). The comprehensive evaluation results of drought and heat tolerance of different germplasm were highly consistent with their cluster analysis results. There was extremely significant correlation between the weighted membership values of drought tolerance and heat tolerance in different germplasms. The results of cluster analysis showed that the yield per plant,chlorophyll content,Fv/Fm,plant height and ear length of the strong drought tolerant inbred lines were better,and the yield per plant,ear length,row number,chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm of the strong heat tolerant inbred lines were better. The weighted membership value showed that plant height,yield per plant,chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm were highly correlated with drought tolerance,while row number,yield per plant,chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm were highly correlated with heat tolerance.【Conclusion】Different maize germplasms had the same response trend to drought stress and heat stress at anthesis stage. Tropical germplasms are more likely to screen inbred lines with better drought tolerance or heat tolerance performance. Yield per plant, chlorophyll contentand Fv/Fm have fine evaluation effects on drought and heat tolerance.


