余慧霞, 刘彩霞, 李清峰, 许娜丽, 王彦青, 姚明明, 陈佳静, 孙刚, 王掌军. 2022: 普通小麦及其亲缘种农艺与籽粒品质性状及金属元素含量相关分子标记分析. 南方农业学报, 53(7): 1821-1831. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2022.07.004
引用本文: 余慧霞, 刘彩霞, 李清峰, 许娜丽, 王彦青, 姚明明, 陈佳静, 孙刚, 王掌军. 2022: 普通小麦及其亲缘种农艺与籽粒品质性状及金属元素含量相关分子标记分析. 南方农业学报, 53(7): 1821-1831. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2022.07.004
YU Hui-xia, LIU Cai-xia, LI Qing-feng, XU Na-li, WANG Yan-qing, YAO Ming-ming, CHEN Jia-jing, SUN Gang, WANG Zhang-jun. 2022: Analysis of agronomic and grain quality traits and molecular markers related to metal element content in common wheat and its related species. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 53(7): 1821-1831. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2022.07.004
Citation: YU Hui-xia, LIU Cai-xia, LI Qing-feng, XU Na-li, WANG Yan-qing, YAO Ming-ming, CHEN Jia-jing, SUN Gang, WANG Zhang-jun. 2022: Analysis of agronomic and grain quality traits and molecular markers related to metal element content in common wheat and its related species. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 53(7): 1821-1831. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2022.07.004


Analysis of agronomic and grain quality traits and molecular markers related to metal element content in common wheat and its related species

  • 摘要: 【目的】基于农艺和籽粒品质性状及籽粒Fe、Zn含量相关分子标记对普通小麦及其亲缘种进行综合评价,筛选优异育种亲本,为宁夏小麦高产优质新品种培育提供优异育种亲本。【方法】以国内外103份普通小麦及其亲缘种为材料,利用变异分析、相关分析、主成分分析、二维排序等方法对其9个农艺性状和9个籽粒品质性状进行评价,并对Fe、Zn含量相关分子标记的分布进行检测,筛选优异育种亲本。【结果】 9个农艺性状的变异系数为10.37%~25.26%,平均为18.37%,其中,穗粒重、分蘖数、株高和穗长的变异系数高于平均变异系数。9个籽粒品质性状的变异系数为1.95%~13.83%,平均为6.57%,其中,沉降值、湿面筋含量、粗蛋白含量和降落值的变异系数高于平均变异系数。9个农艺性状的前4个主成分贡献率分别为40.57%、23.77%、14.18%和8.48%,累计贡献率达87.00%; 9个籽粒品质性状的前4个主成分贡献率分别为40.06%、23.56%、12.87%和11.27%,累计贡献率达87.76%,表明前4个主成分能分别代表综合农艺品质性状。基于二维排序和综合评价值(D)筛选出10份农艺性状优异材料:宁春31号、宁春32号、宁春33号、宁春41号、宁春56号、ND646、永良15号、M6445、宁春51号、中华第一麦; 10份籽粒品质性状优异材料:硬粒小麦(云南)、云南小麦、硬粒小麦(江苏)、栽培一粒小麦、斯卑尔脱小麦、新疆小麦、野生二粒小麦、荆辉1号、小大麦、大红麦。10个与Fe、Zn含量相关分子标记Xwmc382-2A、WMC59-1A、gwm391-3A、Xwmc74-5A、Xwmc488-7A、cfa2129-1B、gwm120-2B、Xcfa2049-7A、Xbarc29-7A和Xcfd31-7A分别分布在47、65、14、47、69、100、22、100、51和100份材料中,分布频率为13.59%~97.09%。【结论】基于农艺和籽粒品质性状分析及分子标记辅助选择可高效准确地评价和筛选普通小麦及其亲缘种,筛选出的10份农艺性状优异材料和10份籽粒品质性状优异材料可用作宁夏小麦农艺和品质改良的育种亲本。


    Abstract: 【Objective】To evaluate common wheat and its related species based on agronomic and grain quality traits and molecular markers related to Fe and Zn content in grain, and to select excellent breeding parents, so as to provide excellent parents for breeding productive, high-quality wheat spacies in Ningxia.【Method】One hundred and three common wheat and its related species from China and abroad were taken as materials. By means of variance analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, two-dimensional ranking analysis and molecular marker analysis, nine agronomic traits and 9 grain quality traits were analyzed, and the distributions of molecular markers related mental Fe or Zn content were detected to select excellent breeding parents.【Result】The variation coefficient of 9 agronomic characters was from 10.37% to 25.26%, and the average value was 18.37%. Among them, the variation coefficient of grain weight per spike, tiller number, plant height, spike length were higher than average. The variation coefficient of 9 agronomic characters was from 1.95% to 13.83%, and the average value was 6.57%. Among them, the variation coefficient of sedimentation value, wet gluten content, crude protein content, falling number were higher than average. The contribution rates of the first 4 principal components of 9 agronomic traits were 40.57%, 23.77%, 14.18% and 8.48% respectively, and the rate of cumulative contribution was 87.00%. The contribution rates of the first 4 principal components of 9 grain quality traits were 40.06%, 23.56%, 12.87% and 11.27% respectively, and the rate of cumulative contribution was 87.76%, indicating that the first 4 components were representative in comprehensive agronomic and grain quality traits. Based on two-dimensional ranking and comprehensive evaluation value(D), ten materials with good agronomic traits were selected, they were Ningchun No. 31, Ningchun No. 32, Ningchun No. 33, Ningchun No. 41, Ningchun No. 56, ND646, Yongliang No. 15, M6445, Ningchun No.51, Zhonghuamai No.1. There were also 10 materials with good grain quality, including Triticum durum Desf. from Yunnan, T. yunnanense King., T. durum Desf. from Jiangsu, T. monococcum L., T. spelta L., Xinjiang wheat, T. dicoccoides Körn., Jinghui No.1, Wheat Barley and Dahongmai. Ten molecular markers related to Fe or Zn content, Xwmc382-2A, WMC59-1A, gwm391-3A, Xwmc74-5A, Xwmc488-7A, cfa2129-1B, gwm120-2B, Xcfa2049-7A, Xbarc29-7A and Xcfd31-7A, were distributed in 47, 65, 14, 47, 69, 100, 22, 100, 51 and 100 wheat materials respectively and distribution frequency was 13.59% to 97.09%.【Conclusion】Based on the analysis of agronomic and grain quality traits and molecular marker-assisted selection, common wheat and its related species can be evaluated and screened efficiently and accurately. Ten materials with excellent agronomic traits and 10 materials with excellent grain quality traits were selected, and they can be used as breeding parents for agronomy and quality improvement of wheat in Ningxia.


