潘英, 李坚明, 黄伟德, 任琰. 2021: 广西牡蛎产业现状分析及发展策略. 南方农业学报, 52(9): 2608-2618. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.09.032
引用本文: 潘英, 李坚明, 黄伟德, 任琰. 2021: 广西牡蛎产业现状分析及发展策略. 南方农业学报, 52(9): 2608-2618. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.09.032
PAN Ying, LI Jian-ming, HUANG Wei-de, REN Yan. 2021: Analysis of current situations,existing problems of oyster industry and its developmental suggestions in Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(9): 2608-2618. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.09.032
Citation: PAN Ying, LI Jian-ming, HUANG Wei-de, REN Yan. 2021: Analysis of current situations,existing problems of oyster industry and its developmental suggestions in Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(9): 2608-2618. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.09.032


Analysis of current situations,existing problems of oyster industry and its developmental suggestions in Guangxi

  • 摘要: 【目的】明确广西牡蛎产业发展现状及其面临竞争局面与存在风险,有针对性地提出发展策略,为广西牡蛎产业提质增效及可持续健康发展提供参考借鉴。【方法】深入分析广西牡蛎产业的发展现状、产业优势和潜力、面临竞争局面及其风险,并围绕国家提出的“提质增效、减量增收”等方针政策及“一带一路”发展新机遇,有针对性地提出相应的发展策略。【结果】广西牡蛎产业经过多年发展已初具规模,其主产区集中在钦州、防城港和北海,主要养殖海域包括北仑河口、珍珠湾、钦州湾、茅尾海、大风江口、廉州湾及铁山港海域等。广西钦州茅尾海是我国最大的香港牡蛎半人工采苗和苗种供应基地,占全国蚝苗繁育的70%,年产蚝苗超过1.5亿支(串),蚝苗产值约5.00亿元;苗种供应辐射范围居全国第一,部分苗种远销广东、福建及海南等地,甚至出口文莱和越南等东盟国家。广西作为我国牡蛎的四大主产区之一,其牡蛎产量占全国牡蛎产量的40%,但产值仅占牡蛎市场的20%。此外,广西牡蛎产业面临着产业集约化程度不高、产品同质化严重、种质遗传改良滞后及极端性气候事件影响大等竞争局面及风险。【建议】广西牡蛎产业应坚持以科技创新为核心、积极开展现代生态养殖及充分发挥区域地理优势的发展思路,通过加强种质资源保护与开发、打造广西牡蛎品牌、构建牡蛎健康养殖新模式、提高产品深加工能力、开展病害防控与质量安全监测、加强专业协会与互保联保制度建设、增加产业科技创新投入等措施,有效促进广西牡蛎产业的高质量发展。


    Abstract: 【Objective】 This paper aimed to clarify the development status,competitive situation and existing risks of oyster industry in Guangxi,then put forward development strategies,so as to provide reference for the improvement of quality,efficiency and sustainable and healthy development of oyster industry in Guangxi.【Method】 This study conducted an in-depth analysis of the development status,industrial advantages and potential,competition situation and risks of Guangxi oyster industry,then put forward corresponding development strategies centering on the national policy of improving quality and efficiency,reducing quantity and increasing income and the new development opportunities of The Belt and Road Initiative.【Result】 After years of development,oyster industry in Guangxi has begun to take shape,with the main producing areas concentrated in Qinzhou,Fangchenggang and Beihai. The main breeding areas include Beilun estuary,Pearl bay,Qinzhou bay,Maowei sea,Dafengjiang estuary,Lianzhou bay and Tieshan bay. Maowei sea,Qinzhou,Guangxi was the largest semi-artificial seedling collection and seedling supply base of Crassostrea hongkongensis in China,accounting for 70% of oyster seedling breeding in China,with an annual output value of more than 150 million oyster seedlings(strings)and an output value of about 500 million yuan. The supply of oyster seedlings ranked the first in China,and some of them were exported to Guangdong,Fujian,Hainan,and even exported to Brunei,Vietnam and other ASEAN countries. Guangxi,as one of the four major oyster producing areas in China,accounted for 40% of the national oyster production,but only 20% of the output value of the oyster market. In addition,Guangxi oyster industry was faced with the competition situation and risks,such as the low degree of industrial intensification,the serious product homogenization,the lag of germplasm genetic improvement and the great impact of extreme climate events.【Suggestion】 Guangxi oyster industry should adhere to the development idea of taking scientific and technological innovation as the core,actively carrying out modern ecological breeding and giving full play to regional geographical advantages. By strengthening germplasm resources protection and development,make Guangxi oyster brand,build an oyster breeding new health mode,improve the quality of products deep processing ability,disease control and prevention and safety monitoring,strengthening the professional association and mutual insurance group construction of system and mechanism,increase the strong industry science and technology innovation investment,effectively promote the high quality development of Guangxi oyster industry.


