寸竹, 董益, 张广辉, 陈军文. 2021: 云南省野生半夏资源调查及种质评价. 南方农业学报, 52(8): 2069-2077. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.08.004
引用本文: 寸竹, 董益, 张广辉, 陈军文. 2021: 云南省野生半夏资源调查及种质评价. 南方农业学报, 52(8): 2069-2077. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.08.004
CUN Zhu, DONG Yi, ZHANG Guang-hui, CHEN Jun-wen. 2021: Investigation and germplasm evaluation on wild Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Berit. resources in Yunnan. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(8): 2069-2077. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.08.004
Citation: CUN Zhu, DONG Yi, ZHANG Guang-hui, CHEN Jun-wen. 2021: Investigation and germplasm evaluation on wild Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Berit. resources in Yunnan. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(8): 2069-2077. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.08.004


Investigation and germplasm evaluation on wild Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Berit. resources in Yunnan

  • 摘要: 【目的】调查野生半夏[Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Berit.]在云南省的分布状况,并对采集区的野生半夏资源进行评价,为半夏优良品种的选育及野生半夏的保护和可持续利用提供理论基础。【方法】采取文献查阅、实地走访和样方调查相结合的方法对云南省野生半夏资源分布及生境条件进行详细考证,同时测定分析不同采集地的野生半夏农艺性状和鸟苷含量,并进行综合评价。【结果】云南省野生半夏分布在滇东北地区和滇东南地区的大关、马关、丘北、建水、砚山、师宗、宣威、开远、寻甸、鲁甸和会泽等11个县(市)。半夏生长于山野林下草地和栽培地的田间地头(以杂草式生长),常见于草坡、荒地、玉米地、烟草地、石缝处、田边或疏林下,其中,多数分布于玉米地或烟草地。野生半夏资源分布于814~2096 m的海拔范围内,但集中分布于1562~2096 m海拔范围内;采集区内年平均气温为12.0~19.9℃,年降水量为815.0~1600.0 mm,但主要集中于降水量大于900.0 mm的地区。野生半夏叶柄长15.2~27.1 cm,以宣威、寻甸、丘北和师宗等县较长;中裂片长为5.4~11.9 cm,以师宗、寻甸和马关等县的半夏中裂片长较长;中裂片宽为2.4~4.3 cm,各县的中裂片宽均无显著差异(P>0.05,下同);块茎重为1.0~2.5 g,以大关、马关、砚山和师宗等县的半夏块茎较重;叶片数为2.4~2.9,以会泽县的半夏叶片数最少;株芽数为0.9~1.7,以师宗县半夏株芽数最多;块茎直径为10.7~16.5 mm,以砚山县和师宗县的半夏较大。不同采集地的半夏鸟苷含量为0.00420%~0.04250%,以寻甸、师宗和宣威等县(市)的野生半夏鸟苷含量较高,以鲁甸县和丘北县的野生半夏鸟苷含量较低。【结论】云南省野生半夏喜温暖、湿润和荫蔽的生态环境,主要分布在云南省滇东北和滇东南片区,生境条件为海拔1500~2100 m,降水量高于900.0 mm,年平均气温为15.0℃左右。师宗县和砚山县及其周边类似生态区适宜野生半夏的生长和有效成分鸟苷的积累。


    Abstract: 【Objective】 The objective was to investigate the distribution of wild Pinellia ternata(Thunb.) Berit. in Yunnan, evaluate the collected wild P. ternata germplasms, and to provide theoretical basis for the breeding of varieties of P. ternata and for the protection and sustainable utilization of wild P. ternata resources.【Method】 The distribution and habitat conditions of wild P. ternata in Yunnan were investigated by means of literature review, field investigation and sample survey. Meanwhile, agronomic characteristics and guanosine content of wild P. ternata from different collected points were measured and analyzed, and the quality of germplasm resources was evaluated.【Result】 Wild P. ternata in Yunnan was mainly distributed in the northeastern and southeastern areas of Yunnan, including Daguan, Maguan, Qiubei, Jianshui, Yanshan, Shizong, Xuanwei, Kaiyuan, Xundian, Ludian and Huize. P. ternata grew mostly within grasses or cultivated crops(growing as weeds). It was commonly found in grassy slopes, wastelands, corn fields, tobacco fields, stone cracks, fields or under sparse forests. Most of them distributed in corn land or tobacco land. Wild P. ternata resources were distributed in the altitude range of 814-2096 m, but concentrated in the altitude range of 1562-2096 m; the average annual temperature in the collection area was 12.0-19.9 ℃, and the annual precipitation was 815.0-1600.0 mm, but mainly concentrated in areas where the precipitation was greater than 900.0 mm. In Xuanwei, Xundian, Qiubei and Shizong, the petiole length of P. ternata was larger, with the values of 15.2-27.1 cm. Mesenchymal leaf length were longer in Shizong, Xundian and Maguan, with the values of 5.4-11.9 cm. There was not significant difference in the mesenchymal leaf width of P. ternata across Yunnan (P>0.05, the same below). Tubers were 1.0-2.5 g, tubers in Daguan, Maguan, Yanshan and Shizong were heavier. The number of leaves was 2.4-2.9, and that in Huize was fewest. The number of buds was 0.9-1.7, that in Shizong County was the greatest. Tuber diameter was 10.7-16.5 cm, those in Yanshan and Shizong were large. The guanosine content from different collection areas ranged from 0.00420% to 0.04250%. Guanosine content was relatively high in Xundian, Shizong and Xuanwei, while the lowest guanosine content was low in Ludian and Qiubei.【Conclusion】 In general, wild P. ternata prefer to inhabit in a warm, moist and shady ecological environment, and they are mainly distributed in the northeastern and southeastern areas in Yunnan. Most of wild P. ternata are distributed in habitats at altitudes of 1500- 2100 m, with precipitation above 900.0 mm and average annual temperature of around 15.0 ℃. According to the analysis of collected resources of wild P. ternata, Shizong, Yanshan and its surrounding similar ecological zones are believed to be suited for the growth of P. ternata and the guanosine accumulation.


