屈婷婷, 黄智, 黄启厅, 周保吉, 谢国雪, 杨绍锷, 覃泽林, 张家玫. 2021: 广西乡村休闲旅游示范点空间分布特征及其影响因素. 南方农业学报, 52(7): 2032-2042. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.07.034
引用本文: 屈婷婷, 黄智, 黄启厅, 周保吉, 谢国雪, 杨绍锷, 覃泽林, 张家玫. 2021: 广西乡村休闲旅游示范点空间分布特征及其影响因素. 南方农业学报, 52(7): 2032-2042. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.07.034
QU Ting-ting, HUANG Zhi, HUANG Qi-ting, ZHOU Bao-ji, XIE Guo-xue, YANG Shao-e, TAN Ze-lin, ZHANG Jia-mei. 2021: Spatial distribution characters and influencing factors of rural leisure tourism demonstration sites in Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(7): 2032-2042. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.07.034
Citation: QU Ting-ting, HUANG Zhi, HUANG Qi-ting, ZHOU Bao-ji, XIE Guo-xue, YANG Shao-e, TAN Ze-lin, ZHANG Jia-mei. 2021: Spatial distribution characters and influencing factors of rural leisure tourism demonstration sites in Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(7): 2032-2042. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.07.034


Spatial distribution characters and influencing factors of rural leisure tourism demonstration sites in Guangxi

  • 摘要: 【目的】分析广西乡村休闲旅游示范点的空间分布类型、集中度及均衡度等空间分布特征,以及影响空间分布的主要因素,为进一步促进乡村休闲旅游资源整合、产业发展布局优化提供科学依据。【方法】以335个广西乡村休闲旅游示范点(以下简称示范点)为研究对象,采用最邻近指数、泰森多边形和变异系数、地理集中指数、核密度分析等地理空间分析方法研究示范点空间分布类型、空间分布集中度和均衡度;采用缓冲区分析、近邻分析、相关分析及灰色关联分析等方法研究广西乡村休闲旅游影响因素。【结果】广西乡村休闲旅游示范点整体上呈显著集聚的空间分布特征,但集中化程度不高。各市域示范点空间分布特征存在差异,11个地级市示范点呈集聚分布,其他呈均匀分布。示范点空间分布不均衡,呈现三级·四区·多中心布局特点;玉林为一级中心,属高值密度区;桂林、南宁、北海和百色东南为二级中心,属中—高值密度区;防城港、河池东、贵港东北和钦州东北为三级中心,属中值密度区;梧州、柳州、贺州和崇左集聚中心不明显,属低值密度区。各因素对示范点空间分布的影响程度存在差异,地形水系、陆路交通及客源市场等因素与示范点空间分布存在显著的强相关性,是影响示范点空间分布的主要因素;农业发展和旅游发展与示范点空间分布关联度大,是影响示范点空间分布的重要因素;经济人口与示范点空间分布关联度相对较小,是次级影响因素。【建议】加强交通网络构建,优化交通网络布局,有效提升交通可达性,提升旅游目的地吸引力。优化空间规划与布局,整合区域优势旅游资源,推动乡村休闲旅游区域联动集聚发展。深度开发广西乡村地形地貌、水系、植被及气候等景观资源,充分挖掘民族文化、乡土文化和农耕文化等内涵特色,构建区域差异化的乡村休闲旅游产品体系。


    Abstract: 【Objective】 To study the spatial distribution features including types, concentration ratio and equilibrium ratio of rural leisure tourism demonstration sites in Guangxi, and the main factors which would be influence on the spatial distribution of rural leisure tourism demonstrated sites. It would provide the theoretical guidance and references for promoting the integration of rural leisure tourism resources and the optimization of industrial development layout.【Method】 In this paper, 335 rural leisure tourism demonstrated sites in Guangxi(hereinafter referred to as demonstrated sites) were selected as the research objects. The spatial distribution characteristics of the demonstrated sites were analyzed by some methods such like the nearest neighbor index, voronoi diagram and the coefficient of variation, geographical concentration index, kernel density and so on. The influence factors of the spatial distribution have been researched by the buffer analysis, the neighborhood analysis, the correlational analysis and the grey correlational analysis.【Result】 The spatial distribution of the whole demonstrated sites had presented clustered characteristic obviously. However, its cluster degree was not high as a whole. The spatial distribution characteristics of demonstrated sites was different in different cities. The demonstrated sites in eleven prefectural-level cities were clustered. The demonstrated sites in other prefectural-level cities were evenly distributed. The demonstrated sites were in uneven distribution and presented the features which had three levels, four areas and multi-centers. Yulin was the first-degree centre and belonged to high density district. Guilin, Nanning, Beihai, southeastern Baise were the sencond-degree centre and belonged to mid-high density district. Fangchenggang, eastern Hechi, northeastern Guigang, northeastern Qinzhou were third-degree centre and belonged to median density district. Wuzhou, Liuzhou, Hezhou and Chongzuo did not form cluster centers obviously and belonged to low density district. It showed that the influence degrees of the factors on demonstrated sites spatial distribution were different. The spatial distribution of the demonstrated sites correlated with the terrain and water system, the land transport, the travel market strongly and significantly.They were the most important influence factors. The correlation between the agricultural development, the tourism development, and the spatial distribution of demonstrated sites was less strong. They were the second important influence factors.The correlation between economy, population and spatial distribution of demonstrated sites was small. They were the third important influence factors.【Suggestion】 Strengthening the construction of transportation networks and optimizing the layout of traffic networks in order to improve traffic accessibility and enhance the attractiveness of tourist destinations. Optimizing the spatial planning and layout and integrating regional advantageous tourism resources in order to promote the regional linkage agglomeration development of rural leisure tourism. Exploiting the landscape resources such as the terrain and landform, water system, vegetation and climate, and excavating the contents and characteristics of national culture, rural culture and farming culture, in order to set up the regional different product system of rural leisure tourism.


