覃夏燕, 龙盛风, 甘秀芹, 严华兵, 汤雪莲, 曹升, 尚小红, 江文, 樊吴静. 2021: 广西芋头产业现状分析及其发展建议. 南方农业学报, 52(6): 1477-1484. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.06.006
引用本文: 覃夏燕, 龙盛风, 甘秀芹, 严华兵, 汤雪莲, 曹升, 尚小红, 江文, 樊吴静. 2021: 广西芋头产业现状分析及其发展建议. 南方农业学报, 52(6): 1477-1484. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.06.006
QIN Xia-yan, LONG Sheng-feng, GAN Xiu-qin, YAN Hua-bing, TANG Xue-lian, CAO Sheng, SHANG Xiao-hong, JIANG Wen, FAN Wu-jing. 2021: Development status and countermeasures of taro industry in Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(6): 1477-1484. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.06.006
Citation: QIN Xia-yan, LONG Sheng-feng, GAN Xiu-qin, YAN Hua-bing, TANG Xue-lian, CAO Sheng, SHANG Xiao-hong, JIANG Wen, FAN Wu-jing. 2021: Development status and countermeasures of taro industry in Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 52(6): 1477-1484. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2021.06.006


Development status and countermeasures of taro industry in Guangxi

  • 摘要: 【目的】调研分析广西芋头产业现状及其存在的主要问题,并有针对性地提出发展建议,为促进广西芋头产业的可持续发展提供决策参考。【方法】2018—2020年对广西全区14个地级市的芋头产业情况进行实地调研,调查重点对象为种植及加工相关合作社、企业以及地方农业局,调查指标包括芋头种植面积、种植品种、种植方式、产量、销售价格、销售模式和产品加工等,综合分析广西芋头产业现状及存在的主要问题,并提出产业发展建议。【结果】广西是我国芋头的主要产区之一。近年来,广西芋头种植面积不断扩大,全区芋头种植面积已超过2万ha,总产量约60万t,主栽品种有荔浦芋、贺州香芋、融水香芋、刘圩香芋、桂芋1号及桂芋2号等。广西芋头加工以初加工为主,加工产品有芋头粉、芋头条、芋头米饼、芋头糖水罐头及芋头扣肉罐头等;桂林荔浦市的荔浦芋和南宁青秀区的刘圩香芋分别于2015和2016年获得国家农产品地理标志认证。由于芋头产业经济效益较好,广西很多地方政府已将芋头产业列为一项重要的扶贫产业,以此带动当地农户脱贫致富。在新的形势下,广西芋头产业发展也面临着许多困难和挑战,具体表现为:品种更新换代慢,优良品种匮乏;栽培管理粗放,机械化程度有待提高;科技投入不足,科研与企业对接滞后;产品开发难度大,产业化程度低。【建议】政府部门应高度重视广西芋头产业发展,加强政策扶持;加强品种改良和脱毒扩繁体系建设,推进优良品种选育;提高种植管理水平,促进芋头规模化生产;强化产学研科技攻关,提升产品质量效益;培育龙头企业,带动产业集聚发展。


    Abstract: 【Objective】To analyze the present situation and problems of taro industry in Guangxi, to provide theoretical basis and technical support for promoting the sustainable development of taro industry in Guangxi.【Method】From 2018 to 2020, a field survey was conducted on the taro industry in 14 prefecture-level cities in Guangxi, focusing on planting and processing related cooperatives, enterprises and local agricultural bureaus. The survey indicators included the planting area, planting varieties, planting methods, yield, selling price, selling mode and product processing of taro. The present situation and main problems of taro industry development in Guangxi were analyzed comprehensively, and the countermeasures and suggestions for industry development were put forward.【Result】Guangxi is one of the important taro producing areas in China. In recent years, the planting area of taro in Guangxi has been expanded, with the areain the whole region of about more than 20000 ha, and total output of about 600000 t. The main varieties were Lipu taro, Hezhou fragrant taro, Rongshui fragrant taro, Liuxu fragrant taro, Gui taro 1, Gui taro 2. The processing way of taro in Guangxi was mainly primary processing, with the products including taro powder, taro strips, taro rice cake, taro sugar canned water, taro buckle canned meat, etc. Lipu taro from Lipu County, Guilin and Liuwei taro from Qingxiu District, Nanning were certified as national geographical indications of agricultural products in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Because of the good economic benefit of taro industry, many places in Guangxi have taken taro industry as an important poverty alleviation industry to drive local farmers out of poverty. However, under the new circumstances, the development of taro industry in Guangxi also faced many new difficulties and challenges simultaneously, with serious problems of the slow variety renewal, deficient good varieties;poor cultivation techniques, low level of mechanization;insufficient investment in technology, the hystereticdocking of scientific research and enterprise;difficult product development and the low degree of industrialization.【Suggestion】The government should attach great importance to the development of Guangxi taro industry and strengthen policy support;strengthen the improvement of varieties and the construction of virus-free propagation system, promote the selection and breeding of excellent varieties;improve the level of planting management to promote the large-scale production of taro;strengthen the research and development of science and technology, improve product quality and efficiency;cultivating leading enterprises and promoting industrial agglomeration development.


