陈灿, 郭辉, 张晓丽, 刘百龙, 秦学毅, 冯锐. 2017: 广西野生稻稻瘟病抗性鉴定及抗源地理分布. 南方农业学报, 48(11): 1999-2003. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.12
引用本文: 陈灿, 郭辉, 张晓丽, 刘百龙, 秦学毅, 冯锐. 2017: 广西野生稻稻瘟病抗性鉴定及抗源地理分布. 南方农业学报, 48(11): 1999-2003. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.12
CHEN Can, GUO Hui, ZHANG Xiao-li, LIU Bai-long, QIN Xue-yi, FENG Rui. 2017: Blast resistance identification for wild rice from Guangxi and geographical distribution of resistant resources. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(11): 1999-2003. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.12
Citation: CHEN Can, GUO Hui, ZHANG Xiao-li, LIU Bai-long, QIN Xue-yi, FENG Rui. 2017: Blast resistance identification for wild rice from Guangxi and geographical distribution of resistant resources. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(11): 1999-2003. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.12


Blast resistance identification for wild rice from Guangxi and geographical distribution of resistant resources

  • 摘要: 目的明确广西野生稻对稻瘟病的抗性,为水稻抗瘟育种和挖掘抗瘟基因提供抗源材料.方法采用人工接种鉴定方法分别在苗期和孕穗期对广西野生稻进行稻瘟病混合菌株(ZA1、ZB1、ZB15和ZC15)接种,调查不同野生稻材料对叶瘟和穗颈瘟的抗性级别,统计抗感材料,并依据抗病材料地理来源进行统计分析.结果从普通野生稻中鉴定出抗叶瘟材料188份、抗穗颈瘟材料9份,占比分别为11.85%和0.58%;从药用野生稻中鉴定出抗叶瘟材料73份、抗穗颈瘟材料5份,占比分别为36.68%和2.54%;从普通野生野和药用野生稻中分别鉴定出兼抗叶瘟和穗颈瘟的材料9和4份,占比分别为0.58%和2.03%.贵港和梧州等地是广西野生稻抗稻瘟病材料最多的地区.结论广西野生稻抗叶瘟资源较丰富,但抗穗颈瘟或兼抗叶瘟、穗颈瘟的资源较匮乏,需进一步挖掘抗穗颈瘟及兼抗叶瘟和穗颈瘟材料.


    Abstract: ObjectiveResistance of wild rice in Guangxi to blast was studied to provide new resistant materials for breeding blast resistant rice and exploring blast resistant genes.MethodIdentification method of artificial inoculation was adopted to inoculate wild rice from Guangxi with rice blast mixed strains ZA1,ZB1,ZB15 and ZC15 at seedling stage and booting stage. Resistance of different wild rice materials to leaf blast and panicle blast was investigated,resis-tant and sensitive materials were counted. Statistic analysis was carried out based on the geographic origins of resistance materials.ResultOut of the common wild rice materials,188 materials were found to be resistant to leaf blast and nine materials were resistant to panicle blast,accounting for 11.85% and 0.58% respectively of the total;73 materials were found to be resistant to leaf blast and five materials were resistant to panicle blast from medicinal wild rice,accounting for 36.68% and 2.54% respectively of the total;nine materials from common wild rice and four materials from medicinal wild rice were found to be resistant to both leaf blast and panicle blast,accounting for 0.58%and 2.03%respectively of the total. Guigang and Wuzhou were areas where the most wild rice blast resistant materials in Guangxi were found.ConclusionThere are abundant wild rice resources with resistance to leaf blast in Guangxi,but lack resources with resis-tance to panicle blast or to both leaf blast and panicle blast. So resources with resistance to panicle blast and resistance to both leaf blast and panicle blast should be further explored.


