许美玲, 肖炳光, 焦芳婵. 2017: 基于主成分和系统聚类分析的烤烟种质资源化学品质评价. 南方农业学报, 48(11): 1937-1947. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.03
引用本文: 许美玲, 肖炳光, 焦芳婵. 2017: 基于主成分和系统聚类分析的烤烟种质资源化学品质评价. 南方农业学报, 48(11): 1937-1947. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.03
XU Mei-ling, XIAO Bing-guang, JIAO Fang-chan. 2017: Evaluation on tobacco germplasm resources chemical quality based on principal components analysis and cluster analysis. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(11): 1937-1947. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.03
Citation: XU Mei-ling, XIAO Bing-guang, JIAO Fang-chan. 2017: Evaluation on tobacco germplasm resources chemical quality based on principal components analysis and cluster analysis. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(11): 1937-1947. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.11.03


Evaluation on tobacco germplasm resources chemical quality based on principal components analysis and cluster analysis

  • 摘要: 目的评价烤烟种质资源的化学品质,筛选出化学品质优良的烤烟种质资源,为烟草育种亲本选择及其种质资源有效利用提供参考.方法对124份烤烟种质资源的10项化学指标进行标准化处理,并进行主成分分析和系统聚类分析,以普遍认可的烟叶化学成分适宜范围衡量各种质资源的烟叶化学品质.结果第I类的主成分综合得分为2.040,包括42份种质,其化学品质特点是还原糖、总糖、总氮、烟碱、氮碱比、糖碱比、蛋白质和两糖差等主要化学成分指标适宜,钾较高,综合化学品质好,多数审(认)定品种和优质资源被聚在此类;第II类的主成分综合得分为2.450,包括7份种质,其化学品质特点是总糖、还原糖、总氮、烟碱、糖碱比、氮碱比和蛋白质等指标适宜,化学成分协调,烟叶品质较好;第III类的主成分综合得分为-1.360,包括20份种质,其化学品质特点是总氮适宜,糖碱比、烟碱、总糖和还原糖较适宜,但钾、氯、两糖差和蛋白质等的标准化值不适宜,综合化学品质中等;第IV类的主成分综合得分为-1.180,包括11份种质,其化学品质特点是总氮、钾、氯适宜,总糖、还原糖和氮碱比较适宜,综合化学品质中等;第V类的主成分综合得分为-0.110,包括13份种质,其化学品质特点是总氮、烟碱、氯和氮碱比适宜,总糖、还原糖、糖碱比和两糖差较适宜,但钾含量较低,品质较好;第VI类的主成分综合得分为-1.380,包括23份种质,其化学成分特点是总糖、还原糖、总氮、蛋白质和糖碱比适宜,烟碱、钾、氯和氮碱比较适宜,其余指标不适宜;第VII类的主成分综合得分为-3.700,包括8份种质,其化学成分特点是氮碱比适宜,总氮、氯和钾较适宜,其余指标不适宜.结论各类烤烟种质资源的化学成分存在明显差异,其中金星6007、白花205、春雷一号、春雷三号、G-28、中烟90、K326、Kutsaga 51E、保山团叶、寸茎烟、潘圆黄、581永定一号、吉烟7号、Kutsaga E1、SC58、T.I.706和朝鲜抗赤等化学品质较好的种质资源,可作为亲本材料用于烟草新品种选育.


    Abstract: ObjectiveIn this study,chemical quality of tobacco germplasm resources were evaluated and high quali-ty tobacco germplasm resources were screened out to provide reference for tobacco parent breeding selection and utiliza-tion of the resources.MethodTen chemical indexes for 124 tobacco germplasm resources were standardized,and princi-pal component analysis and cluster analysis were conducted. The well recognized proper scope for tobacco chemical com-ponents were adopted to evaluate the chemical quality of all tobacco germplasm resources.ResultThe comprehensive score of principal component was 2.04 forⅠgroup,including 42 germplasm resources. Their main chemical components indexes were in proper scope,including reducing sugar,total sugar,total nitrogen,nicotine,ratio of nitrogen-nicotine, ratio of sugar-nicotine,protein,difference between total sugar and reducing sugar. They contained high potassium con-tent,and had sound comprehensive chemical quality. Most approved varieties and elite resources belonged to this group. For Ⅱ group,the comprehensive score of principal components was 2.450,including 7 germplasm resources. Their indexes like total sugar,reducing sugar,total nitrogen,nicotine,ratio of sugar-nicotine,ratio of nitrogen-nicotine and protein were in proper scope,the chemical components were coordinating,and the tobacco quality was fine. The comprehensive score of principal components was-1.360 for Ⅲ group,including 20 germplasm resources. They contained proper compo-nents like total nitrogen,less proper components including ratio of sugar-nicotine,nicotine,total sugar and redu-cing sug-ar,and standardized values of potassium,chlorine,difference between total sugar and reducing sugar,protein were im-proper. Their chemical quality was moderate. The comprehensive score of principal components was-1.180 for Ⅳ group, including 11 germplasm resources. Their total nitrogen,potassium and chlorine were in proper scope,total sugar,reduc-ing sugar and ratio of nitrogen-nicotine were less proper,which indicated that the chemical quality was at medium level. In terms of Ⅴ group ,comprehensive score of principal components was-1.110,including 13 germplasm resources. They had proper components like total nitrogen,nicotine,chlorine,ratio of nitrogen-nicotine,less proper components such as total sugar,reducing sugar,ratio of sugar-nicotine and difference between total sugar and reducing sugar,potassium content was low,and the overall quality was fine. The comprehensive score of principal components was-1.380 forⅥgroup,in-cluding 23 germplasm resources. They contained proper components including total sugar,reducing sugar,total nitrogen, ratio of sugar-nicotine,less proper components like nicotine,potassium,chlorine and ratio of nitrogen-nicotine,the rest indexes were improper. The comprehensive score of principal components was-3.700 for Ⅶ group,including 8 germplasm resources. They contained proper components of ratio of nitrogen-nicotine,less proper components of total nitrogen, chlorine and potassium,but the rest components were improper.ConclusionThe chemical components of different to-bacco germplasm resources have significant difference. There are a group of germplasm resources with fine chemical qual-ity which can be used as parents in tobacco variety breeding:Jinxing 6007,Baihau 205,Chunlei 1,Chunlei 3,G-28, Zhongyan 90,K326,Kutsaga 51E,Baoshan tuanye,Cunjinyan,Panyuanhuang,581 Yongding 1,Kutsaga E1,SC58, T.I.706 and Chaoxiankangjin.


