喜晟乘, 段晓梅, 李煜, 陈顾中, 刘昕岑. 2017: 云南省城市避灾绿地可食用植物选择. 南方农业学报, 48(10): 1878-1883. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.23
引用本文: 喜晟乘, 段晓梅, 李煜, 陈顾中, 刘昕岑. 2017: 云南省城市避灾绿地可食用植物选择. 南方农业学报, 48(10): 1878-1883. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.23
XI Sheng-cheng, DUAN Xiao-mei, LI Yu, CHEN Gu-zhong, LIU Xin-cen. 2017: Selection of edible plants for urban disaster shelter green space in Yunnan. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(10): 1878-1883. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.23
Citation: XI Sheng-cheng, DUAN Xiao-mei, LI Yu, CHEN Gu-zhong, LIU Xin-cen. 2017: Selection of edible plants for urban disaster shelter green space in Yunnan. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(10): 1878-1883. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.23


Selection of edible plants for urban disaster shelter green space in Yunnan

  • 摘要: 目的调查分析云南省城市绿地中可供避灾绿地应用的食用植物种类、食用部位及应用现状,进行种类选择研究与探讨,为城市避灾绿地植物应用提供参考.方法采取现状调查法获取云南省28个城市的绿地植物名录,通过文献检索、访谈咨询及层次分析法等相结合的方法,进行云南省城市避灾绿地植物可食用性筛选.结果云南省城市避灾绿地可应用的可食用园林植物共121种,包括78种食果类、15种食花类、12种食叶类、10种食根和茎类、8种食种子类、4种食竹笋类及4种食髓心类,其中8种植物有2个以上部位可食用.建议在云南省城市绿地植物应用现状基础上,应重视避灾绿地可食用园林植物资源的挖掘和推广,注重避灾绿地植物应用的平灾结合,实现避灾绿地植物综合功能与景观性的最大化.


    Abstract: ObjectiveThis study analyzed the species,edible parts and application status quo of edible plants that could be applied in disaster shelter green space in Yunnan urban green space,researched and discussed species selection, in order to provide reference for plant application in urban disaster shelter green space.MethodA field survey was con-ducted in 28 cities of Yunnan to obtain a list of green space plants. A combination of analytical hierarchy process,inter-view,expert consulting and literature review was also used to screen out the edible plants in Yunnan urban disaster shelter green space.ResultThere were 121 edible landscape plants appliable for Yunnan urban disaster shelter green space, among which,78 were plants whose fruits were used to be eaten,15 flowers,12 leaves,10 roots and stalks,8 seeds,4 bamboo shoots,and 4 pith. There were eight species with more than two edible parts.SuggestionOn the basis of the ap-plication status quo of plants in Yunnan urban green space,importance should be attached to exploration and promotion of edible landscape plant resources in disaster shelter green space,and to combined application of disaster shelter green space plants in peace time and disaster time,maximizing the comprehensive functions and landscaping value of disaster shelter green space plants .


