陈健波, 李昌荣, 项东云, 郭东强, 任世奇, 邓玉华, 徐建民. 2017: 尾叶桉×巨桉等桉树杂交家系杂种优势测试. 南方农业学报, 48(10): 1858-1862. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.20
引用本文: 陈健波, 李昌荣, 项东云, 郭东强, 任世奇, 邓玉华, 徐建民. 2017: 尾叶桉×巨桉等桉树杂交家系杂种优势测试. 南方农业学报, 48(10): 1858-1862. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.20
CHEN Jian-bo, LI Chang-rong, XIANG Dong-yun, GUO Dong-qiang, REN Shi-qi, DENG Yu-hua, XU Jian-min. 2017: Heterosis test for Eucalyptus hybrid families including Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus grandis. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(10): 1858-1862. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.20
Citation: CHEN Jian-bo, LI Chang-rong, XIANG Dong-yun, GUO Dong-qiang, REN Shi-qi, DENG Yu-hua, XU Jian-min. 2017: Heterosis test for Eucalyptus hybrid families including Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus grandis. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(10): 1858-1862. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.20


Heterosis test for Eucalyptus hybrid families including Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus grandis

  • 摘要: 目的测试尾叶桉(母本)与巨桉、赤桉、韦塔桉和细叶桉4种桉树杂交家系的生长及抗桉树枝瘿姬小蜂能力,为选育优良桉树杂交种提供参考依据.方法以尾叶桉为母本分别与巨桉、赤桉、韦塔桉和细叶桉杂交建立杂种家系试验林,进行生长性状及抗桉树枝瘿姬小蜂能力测试.结果以巨桉作父本与尾叶桉杂交的杂种家系中75.0%~100.0%家系具有杂种优势,以赤桉、韦塔桉和细叶桉作父本与尾叶桉杂交的杂种家系中均只有50.0%家系具有杂种优势.赤桉与尾叶桉杂交的家系(X807)生长量最大,其材积比母本自由授粉家系(X814)高56.81%,但有50.0%杂交家系受桉树枝瘿姬小蜂危害;其次是巨桉作父本的杂交家系(X420),其材积比母本自由授粉家系(X814)高35.48%.综合单株材积和抗桉树枝瘿姬小蜂为害能力,筛选出优于母本自由授粉家系的杂交家系5个,林龄3.4年时其材积生长量比母本自由授粉家系高11.11%~35.48%,且无桉树枝瘿姬小蜂为害.结论以尾叶桉为母本分别与巨桉、赤桉、韦塔桉和细叶桉杂交的家系均具有一定的杂种优势,其中,以巨桉为父本的杂种优势家系所占比例最高;可选择优良家系中的优良单株进行无性系转化并测试后择优利用.


    Abstract: ObjectiveIn order to selected elite Eucalyptus hybrid,comparisons on growth and resistance to Lepto-cybe invasa Fisher&La Salle of hybrid families with E. urophylla as female parent and E. grandis,E. camaldulensi,E. vaetarensis and E. tereticornis as parents.MethodHybrid families experimental forests were constructed with E. urophylla as female parent and crossing with E. grandis,E. camaldulensi,E. vaetarensis and E. tereticornis. Growth traits and re-sistance to L. invasa were tested.Result75.0%-100.0%hybrid families of E. grandis(male parent)crossed with E. uro-phylla showed heterosis. While only 50.0%hybrid families of E. urophylla by E. camaldulensis(male parent),E. vaetaren-sis(male parent)and E. tereticornis(male parent)showed heterosis. The growth of family X807(E. camaldulensis crossed with E. urophylla)was the biggest,and its volume was 56.81% bigger than open-pollinated families from female. But 50.0% of hybrid families were damaged by L. invasa. In addition ,the growth of X420(E. grandis crossed with E. uro-phylla)ranked the second,and its volume was 35.48%bigger than female open pollinated family(X814). Based on indi-vidual volume and resistance to L. invasa ,five hybrid families that were better than open-pollinated families from female(X814)were selected. Their volume growth were 11.11%-35.48%higher than open-pollinated families from female at the age of 3.4 years old,and suffered no damage from L. invasa.ConclusionThe hybrid families with E. grandis, E. camaldulensis,E. wetarensis and E. tereticornis as male parent and E. urophyllas as female parent have heterosis. The heterosis of hybrid family with E. grandis as male parent is the highest. Elite individual from families can be transformed clonally,tested and utilized.


