孟静娇, 李琰聪, 赵毕昆, 谢志坚, 刘婷婷, 陈国斌. 2017: 云南保山玉米品种联合体区域试验结果综合分析. 南方农业学报, 48(10): 1776-1781. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.08
引用本文: 孟静娇, 李琰聪, 赵毕昆, 谢志坚, 刘婷婷, 陈国斌. 2017: 云南保山玉米品种联合体区域试验结果综合分析. 南方农业学报, 48(10): 1776-1781. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.08
MENG Jing-jiao, LI Yan-cong, ZHAO Bi-kun, XIE Zhi-jian, LIU Ting-ting, CHEN Guo-bin. 2017: Comprehensive analysis for regional trial on maize varieties consortium in Baoshan,Yunnan. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(10): 1776-1781. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.08
Citation: MENG Jing-jiao, LI Yan-cong, ZHAO Bi-kun, XIE Zhi-jian, LIU Ting-ting, CHEN Guo-bin. 2017: Comprehensive analysis for regional trial on maize varieties consortium in Baoshan,Yunnan. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(10): 1776-1781. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.10.08


Comprehensive analysis for regional trial on maize varieties consortium in Baoshan,Yunnan

  • 摘要: 目的综合分析云南省保山市2016年玉米品种联合体区域试验结果,为玉米品种的选育改良和推广应用提供参考.方法利用方差分析、主成分分析和聚类分析对2016年北玉玉米品种联合体国家区域试验(西南春播组)7个参试品种(含对照种)在保山试点的产量、抗性、果穗性状及农艺性状等进行综合分析.结果方差分析结果表明,7个参试品种中,6个品种的产量均显著高于对照(P<0.05),其中民生5961和周玉0913产量最高.主成分分析结果表明,对产量和品种综合评判影响较大的主成分有4个,其中第一主成分主要包含穗长、灰斑病、穗粗和株高因子,第二主成分主要包含双穗率和百粒重因子,第三主成分主要是出籽率因子,第四主成分主要为倒伏率因子.通过聚类分析可将7个品种聚为四大类:第I类为民生5961,综合表现突出;第II类包括金秋7209和周玉0913,综合表现较优;第III类为康农玉508,综合表现中等;第IV类细分为2个亚类,第IV-1亚类包含中单888和金白玉2号,综合表现较差;第IV-2亚类为对照种渝单8号,综合表现最差.结论7个参试玉米品种中,民生5961、金秋7209和周玉0913综合表现优良,建议在保山地区扩大示范种植.


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe regional trial on maize varieties consortium in Baoshan,Yunnan in 2016 was comprehen-sively analyzed in order to provide reference for variety breeding,improvement and application.MethodComprehensive analysis on yield,resistance,ear character and agronomic characters of seven tested maize varieties(including one control) in national regional trial(southwest broup of spring sowing)of Beiyu maize varieties consortium in Baoshan in 2016 were conducted by means of variance analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis.ResultThe variance analy-sis indicated that,yields of the six tested varieties were significantly higher than that of the control(P<0.05),with Minsh-eng 5961 and Zhouyu 0913 the highest. Principal component analysis implied that the yield and comprehensive evaluation of maize varieties were greatly influenced by four components. The first principal component included factors of ear length,gray leaf spot,ear diameter and plant height,the second principal component included factors of double spike rate and 100-grain weight,the third principal component included rate of grain production,and the fourth principal compo-nent including lodging rate. On the basis of cluster analysis,seven tested maize varieties could be classified into four cate-gories:category I included Minsheng 5961 which had an outstanding comprehensive performance;categoryⅡincluded Jinqiu 7209 and Zhouyu 0913 which comprehensively performed well;category III contained Kangnongyu 508 which had medium comprehensive performance;category IV consisted of two subgroups,subgroup IV-1 included Zhongdan 888 and Jinbaiyu 2 which presented poor comprehensive performance,while subgroup IV-2 contained the control Yudan 8 which performed the worst.ConclusionIt is suggested to expand the demonstration planting of Minsheng 5961,Jinqiu 7209 and Zhouyu 0913 among the seven tested varieties in Baoshan due to their fine comprehensive performance.


