刘士玲, 杨保国, 贾宏炎, 庞圣江, 张培, 黄柏华. 2017: 广西大青山西南桦人工林藤本植物区系分析. 南方农业学报, 48(5): 861-865. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.05.017
引用本文: 刘士玲, 杨保国, 贾宏炎, 庞圣江, 张培, 黄柏华. 2017: 广西大青山西南桦人工林藤本植物区系分析. 南方农业学报, 48(5): 861-865. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.05.017
LIU Shi-ling, YANG Bao-guo, JIA Hong-yan, PANG Sheng-jiang, ZHANG Pei, HUANG Bo-hua. 2017: Floristic analysis for vines in Betula alnoides plantation in Daqingshan, Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(5): 861-865. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.05.017
Citation: LIU Shi-ling, YANG Bao-guo, JIA Hong-yan, PANG Sheng-jiang, ZHANG Pei, HUANG Bo-hua. 2017: Floristic analysis for vines in Betula alnoides plantation in Daqingshan, Guangxi. Journal of Southern Agriculture, 48(5): 861-865. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2017.05.017


Floristic analysis for vines in Betula alnoides plantation in Daqingshan, Guangxi

  • 摘要: 目的分析广西大青山西南桦(Betulaalnoides)人工林藤本植物区系特点,为开展人工林藤本植物研究提供参考依据.方法通过野外样地调查和查阅相关文献资料,分析广西大青山西南桦人工林野生藤本植物区系的物种组成、生活型、攀援方式和地理分布类型.结果大青山西南桦林下共有野生藤本20科27属30种,其中双子叶藤本植物具有明显优势,占该群落藤本植物总种数的93.33%,蕨类藤本和裸子藤本较贫乏,均仅有1科1属1种;在科属构成中,单种科和单种属比较集中;木质藤本是大青山西南桦群落的优势藤本,占总种数的70.00%;藤本生活型以高位芽植物为主,占总种数的60.00%,其余各生活型所占比例均较小;攀援类藤本以缠绕类最多,占总种数的60.00%,其次是卷曲类,搭靠类和吸固类所占比例较小;分布区类型以热带地理成分为主.结论西南桦人工林林下藤本植物种类较多,生活型和地理分布类型较复杂,有较大的开发利用价值.


    Abstract: ObjectiveFlora characteristics of vines in Betul alnoides plantation in Daqingshan were studied in order to provide reference for the research of vines in plantation forests. MethodSpecies composition,life forms,climbing styles, geographic distribution of wild vine resources in Daqingshan were studied using the methods of field investigation and liter-ature survey. ResultThere were 30 species of wild vines,belonging to 27 genera in 20 families,most of which were di-cotyledonous plants,accounting for 93.33%of the total. Only one families, one genera and one species of pteridophyta were found in the region,so did gymnosperm. The wild vines were composed mainly of singular families with singular genera. Woody vines were dominant vines in B. alnoides plantation in Daqingshan, making up 70.00% of the total. In terms of life form,phanerophyte vines outnumbered others,accounting for 60.00%of total types, and the proportions of other forms were small. In terms of climbing styles,twining vines were the main type,accounting for 60.00% of the total,followed by curling vines,while the minority styles included hooking and adhering vines. In terms of geographic distribution types ,the vines were mainly tropical plants. ConclusionIn B. alnoides plantations, there are a variety of wild vine species with com-plicated life forms and distribution types. There are great development and utilization value.


