
Species and distribution characteristics of non-native fish in inland waters of Guangxi

  • 摘要: 【目的】明确现阶段广西内陆水域外来鱼类的种类组成,并从各水系相似性和差异性分析其分布特征,为广西外来鱼类入侵防控提供科学依据。【方法】以广西内陆水域为研究区域,在主要水系设34个采样点,于2023年2月(春季)、2023年5—6月(夏季)、2023年8—9月(秋季)及2023年11—12月(冬季)连续4个季度以渔船捕捞方式采集外来鱼类样本,然后通过Jaccard相似系数(Jsc)分析不同水系外来鱼类分布相似性,并以主坐标分析(PCoA)和置换多元方差分析(PERMANOVA)探讨不同水系外来鱼类分布差异。【结果】在广西内陆水域34个采样点共采集到外来鱼类7690尾,隶属于7目13科20属23种。其中,鲈形目数量最多(9种),占39.13%;以水产养殖为目的引种外来鱼类19种,占82.61%;来自亚洲和北美洲的外来鱼类各7种,分别占30.43%。从广西内陆水域各水系外来鱼类分布情况来看,红水河的外来鱼类数量最多(16种),南盘江外来鱼类物种数最少(7种);分布样点范围最广的外来鱼类是尼罗罗非鱼和齐氏罗非鱼,分布范围占比均为97.06%;出现频次最高的是齐氏罗非鱼,为89.71%。基于Jsc的外来鱼类分布相似级别判定结果显示,极相似的水系有浔江—黔江(Jsc=0.93)、浔江—右江(Jsc=0.93)、红水河—黔江(Jsc=0.81)和红水河—浔江(Jsc=0.76),极不相似的水系为南盘江—贺江(Jsc=0.23);PCoA分析结果显示,浔江、黔江、柳江、贺江、南盘江、邕江郁江和右江之间有明显分离。【结论】在广西内陆水域共采集到23种外来鱼类,多为水产养殖引种鱼类,分布特征上表现为干流外来鱼类物种多、支流外来鱼类物种少。广西内陆水域各水系外来鱼类物种组成存在相似之处,齐氏罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼、伽利略罗非鱼和革胡子鲇已广泛分布。因此,亟待进一步加强对外来引种鱼类的养殖管理,避免新引入外来鱼类的逃逸及已逃逸外来养殖鱼类的扩散。


    Abstract: 【Objective】To clarify the composition of non-native fish species in inland waters of Guangxi at the present stage,and to explore the distributional characteristics from the similarities and differences of each water system,which could provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of non-native fish invasion in Guangxi.【Method】Taking inland waters of Guangxi as the study area,a total of 34 sampling sites were set up in the main water systems. Non-native fish samples were collected by fishing boats in 4 consecutive quarters:February 2023(spring),May-June 2023(summer),August-September 2023(autumn),and November-December 2023(winter). The Jaccard similarity coefficient (Jsc)were used to analyze the similarity of non-native fishes in different water systems,and the differences in the structure of non-native fishes in water systems were discussed using principal coordinates analysis(PCoA)and permutation multivariate analysis of variance(PERMANOVA).【Result】A total of 7690 non-native fishes were collected,belonging to 7 orders,13 families,20 genera and 23 species,of which 9 species of Cypriniformes were the most numerous,accounting for 39.13% of the total;19 species were introduced for aquaculture purposes,accounting for 82.61% of the total;7 species from Asia and 7 species from North America,each accounting for 30.43% of the total. From the distribution of non-native fish in the inland waters of Guangxi,Hongshuihe River had the highest number of non-native fish species, with 16 species,and the lowest was in Nanpanjiang River,with 7 species. The non-native fish species with the widest range of distributional samples were Oreochromis niloticus and Coptodon zillii,both with 97.06%. And C. zillii had the highest frequency of occurrence,with 89.71%. In terms of non-native fishes distribution similarity level,Jsc showed that the very similar water systems were Xunjiang River-Qianjiang River(Jsc=0.93),Xunjiang River-Youjiang River(Jsc= 0.93),Hongshuihe River-Qianjiang River(Jsc=0.81),Hongshuihe River-Xunjiang River(Jsc=0.76),and the very dissimilar water systems were Nanpanjiang River-Hejiang River(Jsc=0.23). PCoA showed that Xunjiang River,Qianjiang River,Liujiang River,Hejiang River,Nanpanjiang River,Yongjiang River-Yujiang River,and Youjiang River were clearly separated from each other.【Conclusion】A total of 23 non-native fish species are collected in inland waters of Guangxi,most of which are introduced by aquaculture. In terms of distributional characteristics,there are more nonnative fish species in the main streams and fewer non-native species in the tributaries. There are similarities in the species composition of non-native fishes in each water systems,and the C. zilliiO. niloticusSarotherodon galilaea,and Clarias lazera have been widely distributed. Therefore,there is an urgent need to further strengthen the management of farmed non-native fish species to prevent the escape of newly introduced non-native fish and the spread of escaped non-native fish.


