
Codon usage bias in chloroplast genomes of 17 Phoebe species

  • 摘要: 【目的】解析樟科(Lauraceae)楠属(Phoebe)植物叶绿体基因组密码子偏好性,为楠属植物系统发育关系及遗传多样性研究提供理论依据。【方法】以17种楠属植物叶绿体基因组为研究对象,利用Genious 8.1.3、EMBOSS explorer的CUSP和CodonW模块等对叶绿体基因组的蛋白编码序列(CDS)进行密码子偏好性、中性绘图、ENC-plot绘图、PR2-plot绘图和最优密码子分析,确定最优密码子并探讨楠属植物密码子偏好性形成的主要影响因素。【结果】17种楠属植物共筛选出52~56条CDS,GC含量为39.64%~39.94%,密码子第1、2、3位GC含量(GC1、GC2、GC3)表现为GC1(47.30%~47.93%)>GC2(39.50%~39.81%)>GC3(31.97%~32.12%),GC3更趋向于A/U;有效密码子数(ENC)为50.948~51.148;同义密码子数均为31个,其中以A/U结尾的有25个;中性绘图分析结果显示第1、2位密码子GC含量平均值(GC12)为34.74%~54.97%,GC3为22.44%~46.77%,回归系数为-0.0422~-0.0101;ENC-plot绘图分析结果显示大部分基因散点分布在ENC预期标准曲线附近,少部分与标准曲线离散程度大;PR2-plot分析图右下方的基因分布较多,密码子第3位碱基的使用偏好T和G;共有5个最优密码子,分别为亮氨酸的CUU、甘氨酸的GGA、酪氨酸的UAU、天冬酰胺的AAU和丝氨酸的UCC。此外,基于相对同义密码子使用度(RSCU)和CDS序列构建系统发育进化树,2种方法构建的物种进化关系存在差异,基于CDS序列构建的系统发育关系更符合楠属物种进化分类。【结论】楠属植物叶绿体基因组密码子偏好性较弱,偏好使用A/U结尾的密码子,自然选择可能是主要因素,受突变或其他因素的影响较小。楠属植物进化过程中,叶绿体基因组非编码区序列同样承载重要信息。


    Abstract: 【Objective】The chloroplast genome codon bias of Lauraceae, Phoebe was analyzed, which provided theoretical basis for the study of phylogenetic relationship and genetic diversity of Phoebe species. 【Method】The chloroplast genomes of 17 Phoebe species were studied. Genious 8.1.3, CUSP and Codon W modules of EMBOSS explorer were used to analyze the codon bias, neutral plot, ENC-plot, PR2-plot and optimal codon analysis of chloroplast genome protein coding sequence(CDS), the optimal codon was determined and the main influencing factors of codon bias formation in Phoebe species were discussed. 【Result】A total of 52-56 CDS were screened out from 17 Phoebe species,whose GC content was 39.64%-39.94%. GC content at the first, second and third positions of codons(GC1, GC2 and GC3) were as follows:GC1(47.30%-47.93%)>GC2(39.50%-39.81%)>GC3(31.97%-32.12%),GC3 prefered to end with A/U. Effective codon number(ENC) ranged from 50.948 to 51.148,the number of synonymous codons was 31, among which 25 codons ended in A/U. The average GC content of the first and second codons(GC12) was 34.74%-54.97%, and GC3 was 22.44%-46.77%,regression coefficient was between-0.0422 and-0.0101. ENC-plot analysis indicated that, majority of the genes located near the ENC expected standard curve,a small part of the curve had a large degree of divergence from the standard curve. PR2-plot analysis results showed that more genes were distributed in the lower right part of the graph,indicating that there was a bias of T and G in the third base of codon. There were 5 optimal codons, including CUU of leucine, GGA of glycine, UAU of tyrosine, AAU of asparagine and UCC of serine. Phylogenetic evolutionary tree was constructed based on relative synonymous codon usage(RSCU) and CDS sequence. There were differences in the species evolutionary relationships constructed by the 2 methods, and the phylogenetic relationship based on CDS sequence was more consistent with the evolutionary classification of Phoebe species. 【Conclusion】The codon bias of chloroplast genome in Phoebe species is weak, and the codon ending with A/U is preferred. Natural selection may be the main factor, and it is less affected by mutation or other factors. During the evolution of Phoebe species, the non-coding region sequence of chloroplast genome also carries important information.


