
Genetic diversity analysis of Stropharia rugosoannulata germplasm resources based on SRAP molecular markers and agronomic traits

  • 摘要: 【目的】综合评价大球盖菇菌株的农艺性状及遗传多样性,筛选出适宜在福建三明地区栽培的优质菌株,为大球盖菇育种及其开发利用提供参考依据。【方法】通过ITS序列分析、拮抗试验及SRAP分子标记对收集的17株大球盖菇菌株进行遗传多样性分析,分别测定子实体长度、菌盖直径、菌盖厚度、菌柄上端直径、菌柄下端直径及单朵重等农艺性状后,采用相关分析和主成分分析对大球盖菇的农艺性状进行分析。【结果】ITS序列分析证实,17株供试菌株均为大球盖菇,在进化关系上分属于三大分支;拮抗试验结果表明,具有拮抗反应的培养组合共有87组,无拮抗反应的培养组合有49组,即大球盖菇菌株间存在较大差异性;17株大球盖菇菌株的遗传相似系数为0.66~0.92,遗传背景较丰富;当遗传相似系数为0.79时,17株大球盖菇菌株可分为六大类(I~VI)。不同农艺性状的遗传多样性指数(i>H')均大于1.50,变异系数为14.29%~47.82%。其中,单朵重的变异系数最大(47.82%),产量的变异系数较小(14.29%),说明大球盖菇农艺性状存在丰富的变异,具有高的遗传多样性。相关分析发现,培养皿菌丝形态与培养皿菌丝生长速率呈显著负相关(r=-0.565)(P<0.05,下同),与栽培袋菌丝形态、产量呈极显著正相关(r=0.772和r=0.664)(P<0.01,下同);培养皿菌丝生长速率与产量呈显著负相关(r=-0.524);栽培袋菌丝形态与产量呈极显著正相关(r=0.721)。主成分分析结果表明,第一主成分(PC1)的贡献率为50.768%,其特征向量较高的农艺性状是子实体长度和产量;第二主成分(PC2)的贡献率为38.729%,其特征向量较高的农艺性状是菌盖直径和菌柄上端直径。【结论】大球盖菇D-3菌株的菌丝生长均匀、浓密,生长速率较快,产量高且稳定,子实体菌柄粗壮,整体商品性好,可作为大球盖菇品种选育亲本,适宜在福建三明地区推广种植。


    Abstract: 【Objective】To comprehensively evaluate the agronomic traits and genetic diversity of Stropharia rugosoannulata strains, and screen out high-quality strains suitable for cultivation in Sanming, Fujian, which could provide reference for S. rugosoannulata breeding and its development and utilization. 【Method】The genetic diversity of 17 strains of S. rugosoannulata was analyzed by ITS sequence analysis, antagonistic test and SRAP molecular marker. The agronomic traits such as fruiting body length, pileus diameter, pileus thickness, diameter of upper stipe, diameter of lower stipe and single weight were measured respectively. The agronomic traits of S. rugosoannulata were analyzed by sampling correlation analysis and principal component analysis. 【Result】ITS sequence analysis confirmed that 17 strains were all S. rugosoannulata, which belonged to 3 branches in the evolutionary relationship. The results of antagonistic test showed that there were 87 groups of culture combinations with antagonistic reaction and 49 groups of culture combinations without antagonistic reaction, that was, there were great differences among S. rugosoannulata strains. The genetic similarity coefficient of 17 S. rugosoannulata strains was 0.66-0.92, and the genetic background was rich. When the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.79, the 17 strains of S. rugosoannulata could be divided into 6 categories(I-VI). The genetic diversity index(H’) of different agronomic traits was greater than 1.50. Among them, the coefficient of variation of single weight was the largest(47.82%), and the coefficient of variation of single yield was small(14.29%), indicating that the agronomic traits of S. rugosoannulata had abundant variation and high genetic diversity. Correlation analysis showed that the mycelium morphology was significantly and negatively correlated with the mycelium growth rate in cultivation plates(r=-0.565)(P<0.05, the same below), and mycelium morphology was extremely significantly and positively correlated with the mycelium morphology and yield in cultivation bags(r=0.772 and r=0.664)(P<0.01, the same below). There was significant negative correlation between mycelium growth rate and yield in cultivation plate(r=-0.524). There was extremely significant positive correlation between mycelium morphology and yield in cultivation bag(r=0.721). The results of principal component analysis showed that the contribution rate of the first principal component(PC1) was 50.768 %, and the agronomic traits with higher eigenvectors were fruiting body length and yield. The contribution rate of the second principal component(PC2) was 38.729 %, and the agronomic traits with higher eigenvectors were pileus diameter and the diameter of upper stipe. 【Conclusion】The mycelium of S. rugosoannulata strain D-3 grow uniformly and densely, with fast growth rate, high and stable yield, thick fruiting body stipe, and good overall commodity. It can be used as a parent for the breeding of S. rugosoannulata varieties and is suitable for cultivation and promotion in Sanming, Fujian.


