
Genetic diversity analysis and high temperature resistance screening of Pleurotus citrinopileatus germplasm resources

  • 摘要: 【目的】分析金顶侧耳种质ISSR分子标记及农艺性状的遗传多样性,为广西地区耐高温品种选育及遗传改良提供参考。【方法】以29株金顶侧耳菌株为材料,对其进行ISSR分子标记检测、表型性状测定和耐热性鉴定,分析其遗传多样性,并对其进行聚类分析、相关分析和主成分分析,筛选出商品性佳、耐高温的种质。【结果】利用筛选出的16个ISSR引物对29株金顶侧耳菌株进行聚类分析,结果显示,供试菌株间遗传相似系数为0.67~0.96,在遗传相似系数为0.79时,可分为14个类群,其中广西地区种质分布9个类群,包括3个野生种质类群,说明金顶侧耳种质遗传差异较大,遗传背景丰富。去除未出菇和表型性状相同的菌株,其余26株金顶侧耳菌株表型性状的Shannon-wiener多样性指数(H')为0.516~2.010,其中菌盖横径的i>H'最高,菌棒成活率的i>H'最小;基于数量性状将其分成七大类群,其中广西地区种质分布六大类群,其中第Ⅰ类群种质每丛子实体数量较多、较小,可用作观赏;第Ⅱ类群为广西区外品种,每丛子实体数量多,第1潮菇产量高,可用作子实体数量和首潮菇产量的改良;第Ⅲ类群为广西栽培菌株,每丛子实体数量少,可用作子实体数量的改良;第Ⅳ类群为广西栽培品种,菌盖大,可用作菌盖大小改良;第Ⅴ类群菌盖颜色深、菌盖横径与菌柄长度的比值高,可用于菌盖颜色和菇形改良;第Ⅵ类群为广西主推品种,早熟且综合农艺性状优良,可用作早熟和商品性状改良的亲本材料;第Ⅶ类群为广西野生种质,幼菇菌盖鳞片颜色深,产量高,可用于鳞片颜色及高产改良。22个表型性状中,呈极显著(P<0.01,下同)相关的性状有28对,呈显著(P<0.05)相关的性状有21对,其中第1潮菇产量与每丛子实体数量、菌柄长度与菌盖横径与菌柄长度的比值分别呈极显著正或负相关(|r|>0.800),成熟时间与总产量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.636)。7个主成分对表型变异的累计方差贡献率达83.117%。菌株耐热性试验鉴定结果显示,26株亲缘关系明晰且正常出菇的菌株分为耐热型9株、中间型12株、不耐热型5株,各类型材料在广西地区均有分布。【结论】广西金顶侧耳种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,育种潜力巨大,可将子实体数量作为首潮产量性状进行改良,成熟时间作为总产量性状进行改良,菌柄长度作为菌盖横径与菌柄长度的比值性状进行筛选。


    Abstract: 【Objective】To analyze genetic diversity of ISSR molecular markers and agronomic traits of Pleurotus citrinopileatus germplasms,which could provide reference for the breeding and genetic improvement of P. citrinopileatus varieties resistant to high temperature in Guangxi. 【Method】Detection of ISSR molecular maker,identification of phenotypic traits and heat resistance of P. citrinopileatus germplasms was carried out to analyze genetic diversity with 29 strains of P. citrinopileatus as materials,included cluster analysis,correlation analysis and principal component analysis,so as to screen high-quality P. citrinopileatus germplasm resources resistant to high temperature. 【Result】The cluster analysis of 29 strains of P. citrinopilestus using 16 ISSR primers showed that the genetic similarity coefficient between the tested strains ranged from 0.67 to 0.96. When the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.79, the strains could be divided into 14 groups, of which 9 were distributed in Guangxi, including 3 wild germplasm groups. These results indicated that there were great genetic differences and rich genetic background in P. citrinopilestus germplasms.The Shannon-wiener diversity index(H’) of quantitative traits of the remaining 26 strains were 0.516-2.010 after removing the strains not fruiting and with the same phenotypic traits, among which H’ in the pileus diameter was the highest, and H’ in the survival rate of bacteria sticks was the lowest. They were divided into 7 groups based on phenotypic traits, among which 6 groups were distributed in Guangxi. The groupⅠhad large number and small size of fruiting body per cluster, which could be used for ornamental purposes. The group Ⅱ was the varieties outside Guangxi, the number of fruiting body per cluster was large, and the yield of the first flush was high, which could be used as the improvement of the number of fruiting bodies and the yield of the first flush. Group Ⅲ was Guangxi varieties with a few number of fruiting body per cluster,could be applied to improve number of fruiting body; group Ⅳ was also Guangxi varieties with bigger pileus size,which could be applied to improve pileus size; group Ⅴ with deep pileus color and high ratio of pileus diameter to stipe length,could be applied to improve pileus color and mushroom shape; group Ⅵ belonged to main Guangxi commercial varieties with great comprehensive agronomic properties and early maturity,and could be used as parent material for early maturity and commodity character improvement; group Ⅶ was Guangxi wild germplasm with deep scales color of primary sporophore pileus and high total yield, which could be applied to improve scales color and higher production. The correlation analysis showed that extremely significant correlation(P<0.01, the same below) with 28 pairs of traits and significant correlation(P<0.05) with 21 pairs of traits existed among the 22 agronomic traits,among which extremely significant positive correlation or extremely significant negative correlation (|r|>0.800) was between first flush yield and number of fruiting body per cluster,stipe length and ratio of pileus diameter to stipe length respectively,and extremely significant negative correlation(r=-0.636) was between harvest time and total yield. The principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the 7 principal components was 83.117%. The results of heat resistance test showed that, 9 strains of heat resistant type,12 strains of intermediate type and 5 strains of heat labile type were identified from 26 germplasms with clear genetic relationship and normal fruiting,all kinds of materials were distributed in Guangxi. 【Conclusion】The local germplasm resources of P. citrinopilestus in Guangxi have rich genetic diversity and great breeding potential. The number of fruiting bodies per cluster can be improved as first flush yield trait,harvest time can be screened as total yield trait and the stipe length as ratio of pileus diameter to stipe length trait.


