
Identification on antibacterial activity and antioxidant activity of nine Apocynaceae and Euphorbiaceae plants

  • 摘要: 目的筛选具有抗菌和抗氧化活性的植物次生代谢产物,为夹竹桃科和大戟科植物资源的开发和利用提供理论依据.方法以华南地区常见的5种夹竹桃科植物和4种大戟科植物为研究对象,采用甲醇冷浸提取和乙酸乙酯萃取方法制备植物提取物,以薄层层析(TLC)—生物自显影法测定9种植物提取物的体外抗细菌和抗氧化活性,通过斑点及斑点的迁移率(Rf)初步评价样品中化合物的极性和活性,根据抑菌斑大小评价化合物的活性.结果除银柴外,其余8种植物提取物对供试细菌均表现出一定的抑制活性,其中红背桂、红背山麻杆和蝴蝶果对7种供试细菌均表现出较强的抑菌活性,且红背桂和蝴蝶果提取物的抑菌斑直径超过10mm,Rf集中在0~0.13,说明活性化合物极性偏大.除夹竹桃科的羊角坳外,其余8种植物提取物均表现出一定的抗氧化活性,其中红背山麻杆的抗氧化活性最强,Rf为0~0.52,抗氧化斑直径为5~10mm.结论TLC-生物自显影法能够快速检测和筛选具有抗菌和抗氧化活性的植物提取物.红背山麻杆、红背桂和蝴蝶果可作为抗细菌的候选植物资源利用,红背山麻杆可同时作为优良的抗氧化植物资源利用.


    Abstract: ObjectivePlants secondary metabolites with antibacterial and antioxidant activities were screened to pro-vide theoretical basis for the development and utilization of Apocynaceae and Euphorbiaceae plants.MethodThis study focused on five common Apocynaceae plants and four common Euphorbiaceae plants in southern China.The plant extracts were prepared by methanol soaking extraction at room temperature and ethyl acetate extraction.The antibacterial and anti-oxidant activities of the extracts from nine plants were determined by thin layer chromatography(TLC)autobiography method.Polarity and activity of the compound in samples were preliminarily evaluated by spots and mobility of the spots (Rf),and the activity of the compounds were determined by spot diameter.ResultEight plant extracts except for Aporu-sa dioica extract showed inhibitory activities against the tested bacteria.Excoecaria cochinchinensis,Alchornea trewioi-des and Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei performed strong antibacterial activities against seven test bacteria,and the diameters of the inhibition spot of both E.cochinchinensis and C.cavaleriei were more than 10 mm.Rfvalues fell into the range be-tween 0 and 0.13,which indicated that the polarity of active compounds were large.In addition,apart from Strophanthus divaricatus in Apocynaceae,the remaining eight plant extracts performed certain antioxidant activities.Among them,A.trewioides showed the strongest antioxidant activity,whose Rfvalue was 0-0.52 and antioxidant spot diameter was 5-10 mm.ConclusionTLC-autobiography method can determinate and screen plant extracts with antibacterial and antioxidant activities rapidly.A.trewioides,E.cochinchinensis and C.cavaleriei can be candidate plant resources with antibacterial ac-tivities and Alchornea trewioides is candidate plant resource with antioxidant activity.


