
Effects of altitude on rhizosphere microbial flora and soft rot in Amorphophallus konjac

  • 摘要: 目的研究不同海拔对魔芋土壤微生物区系的影响及其与魔芋软腐病发生的关系,为利用土壤微生态控制魔芋病害提供理论依据.方法通过田间小区试验,研究魔芋在4个海拔高度(610、913、1205和1518m)和4个生长时期(幼苗期、换头期、块茎膨大期和块茎成熟期)软腐病发病率及其根际的真菌、细菌和放线菌数量、微生物总量和微生物多样性,应用DPS 7.05对试验数据进行分析.结果同一海拔的不同时期,随着魔芋的生长,魔芋软腐病发病率呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,以块茎膨大期软腐病发病率最高;同一时期不同海拔高度,总体趋势为随着种植海拔的增加,软腐病发病率呈下降趋势.随着魔芋的生长和发育,4个生育时期的细菌、真菌、放线菌和微生物总量均呈先下降后上升的变化趋势,即幼苗期>换头期>块茎成熟期>块茎膨大期;随着海拔高度的增加,魔芋根际微生物细菌、真菌、放线菌和微生物总量均相应增加;海拔对魔芋根际土壤微生物的多样性无显著影响(P>0.05).结论适当增加种植区海拔能有效调节魔芋根际微生物区系,是控制魔芋软腐病发生的有效措施.


    Abstract: ObjectiveThe effects of different altitudes on soil microbial flora of Amorphophallus konjac and its rela-tionship with the occurrence of soft rot in A.konjac were studied to provide theoretical basis for the development of A.kon-jac industry and the use of soil microbial ecology in controlling A.konjac diseases.MethodThe fungi amount,bacteria amount,actinomycetes amount,microbial biomass and microbial diversity of A.konjac were studied at four altitudes (610,913,1205 and 1518 m)by field experiment at four growth periods(seedling period,seed-new tuber conversion pe-riod,tuber enlargement period and tuber maturation period).The experimental data were analyzed by DPS7.05 data pro-cessing system.ResultIn the same altitude at the same period,as A.konjac grew,soft rot incidence increased then de-clined,and reached the peak at tuber enlargement period.In different altitudes at the same period,as altitude rose,soft rot incidence decreased.With growth and development of A.konjac,bacteria,fungi,actinomycetes and microbial biomass,all presented a down-up variation,which meant seedling period>seed-new tuber conversion period>tuber enlargement period>tuber maturation period.Fungi,bacteria,actinomycetes and microbial biomass of rhizospheric microorganisms all increased with the rising of altitude.Altitude had insignificant difference on diversity of rhizospheric microorganisms (P>0.05).ConclusionThe appropriate increase of altitude of planting area can effectively adjust the rhizosphere micro-bial flora of A.konjac,which is an effective measure to control the occurrence of A.konjac soft rot.


