
Evolution and hotspots of agricultural policy research in China from the perspective of knowledge map

  • 摘要: 目的对1987~2016年我国农业政策研究领域的文献信息进行知识图谱可视化分析,为研究者准确把握该领域的研究进展提供理论参考.方法以CNKI《中国学术期刊(网络版)》为数据源,通过检索获得1987~2016年有关我国农业政策研究文献信息,运用CitespaceⅢ进行关键词的突现、共现及聚类等分析,并绘制知识图谱,解析30年间我国农业政策研究演化发展及其研究热点.结果1987~2016年我国农业政策研究在不同历史时期所关注的研究主题不同,具有较强的时代特征,演化过程大体可分为两个阶段,即20世纪80年代至90年代末和21世纪初至2016年.该领域的研究热点多集中于财政支农政策、推进农业现代化发展、农村金融政策、农村土地政策等4个方面;未来我国农业政策研究将进一步围绕土地流转政策、农业财政补助政策、农业供给侧结构性改革等方面开展研究.建议要拓展农业政策研究范围,注重农业政策与非农政策相互关系的研究,发挥政策的引导作用,以促进我国农村农业经济发展.


    Abstract: ObjectiveA visual knowledge map analysis on agricultural policy research in China was conducted based on the literatures from 1987 to 2016 in order to provide references for the related researchers to accurately grasp the re-search progress.MethodWith CAJ-N of CNKI as the data source,literatures on agricultural policy research of China during 1987-2016 were obtained.By using CitespaceⅢ,key words burst,key words co-occurrence,key words cluster-ing were analyzed,and the knowledge maps were drawn.Based on this,the agricultural policy research evolution and the research hotspots of China in the past 30 years were analyzed.ResultDuring 1987-2016,the research issues on agricul-tural policy of China were various in different historical periods,which were with characteristics of times.The evolution process could be divided into two stages:1980s-late 1990s and beginning of 21stcentrury-2016.The research hotspots in this field mainly focused on four aspects:financial support policy,agricultural modernization,rural financial policy and rural land policy.It was indicated that researches on land circulation policy,agricultural financial subsidy policy,agricul-tural supply side structural reform would be further studied in the future.SuggestionThe researchers should expand the scope of agricultural policy research,pay attention to correlation between agricultural policy and non-agricultural policy,and give full play of policy guiding to promote the development of agricultural economy in China.


